Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 26 October 2010

I live here..

I thought just for a change today I'd give you a tour of where I live.
Designated as a place of outstanding beauty,
We are inundated with visitors most of the year, in cottages and caravans,
for sailing, birdwatching, walking and the like.
There is nothing between us and the sea but marshes.
Years ago my family and I would trek over the mud and marsh at low tide to spend a day
on the beach and trek home in the evening tired and happy.
I would spend hours walking the beach picking up pretty stones and shells.
One hot summer, my friend Marion and I swam every day, either
in the sea or in the Channel.
So many happy memories.
Children still spend hours on the quayside fishing for Gilly crabs, hauling them up, putting them in a bucket and then putting them back in the water.
I swear they are the same crabs my own children used to catch and put back!
The church is gorgeous and you could fill a book with its treasures.
I do so hope you enjoy the pictures.
June xx


deb said...

Beautiful June! I sooo want to see Europe! And the stories were great! Terry says very pretty and he laughed about t he crabs!

irinasztukowski said...

This is a beautiful place June. No wonder you are so inspired with your art :) I love old buildings. Being born in Saint Petersburg, Russia; I am so used to see things that are at least 300 + years old. When I came to America the country seemed to me so young compare to Europe.

Thank you for sharing,
Have a great day,

Miss Hillbilly said...

It is so nice to see where you call home!! It is beautiful!

Faye said...

June, your surroundings are gorgeous! I do wish I could visit your area and see that fantastic church. It looks so beautiful. Hope all is going well.

Netty said...

Thank you for sharing such great pictures of your surroundings and for the great story.
Annette x

Anonymous said...

GEORGEOUS area that you live in. I'm so glad you posted them, as I have wondered what YOUR area of the world looks like. The church is so nice and I'd love to visit the cemetery! Love the crab story........and how sweet that your children put them back so they could live.
One day I'll make it to England and I hope to come by for a cuppa with you!


Kim B said...

This is absolutely GORGEOUS. I love the area. I think I need to get there. Beautiful, thanks for sharing and I hope you and Freddie are doing well.

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous, June. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures. Thinking of you and continuing to pray. Blessings your way.

Bill said...

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see all of these pictures. I had no idea you lived in such a beautiful area. I have always wanted to live by water, but so far, it hasn't happened.

Junibears said...

Except for a couple of years I have always lived by the sea Bill. On a very rough windy night if the wind's in the right direction, I can lay in bed and hear the waves crashing on the beach.
Most of the photographs were taken in summer. In winter it can be very bleak and cold and I swear the wind comes straight from Russia!!

Pat said...

Lovely photos, June. I know what a wonderful place you live in, as we like to holiday nearby, so it does my heart good to see some gorgeous photos xx