Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 28 February 2013


Digital Whisper has started up again and as I was a member for many years
I am glad to see it back.
Their first challenge was a Butterfly one and I made this pattern from the kit they generously gave.
Each butterfly and flower piece came from the kit and each was applied individually by eye and I was pleased with how it turned out.
Algie was in disgrace this morning. He brought a flower pot into the kitchen and emptied the soil out all over the kitchen floor. He's dug an enormous hole in the flower bed outside and came in with feet and face covered in  black earth. His daddy Fred was not best pleased!!
I'm beginning to think he's turning into some sort of earth shifting monster!
The sun is shining here, so have a nice day,
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Wednesday 27 February 2013

3M..Rustle of Spring..

We in the Northern Hemisphere are so fed up with Winter, this
was a great challenge to brighten us up.
The Three Muses have asked us to do a collage depicting
The Rustle of Spring.
I enjoyed making this piece on one of those miserable, dull days and
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's Spring pictures.
Thank you all for looking and I really
appreciate your comments.
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Ancestors and Relatives..

The other day we had Jenny and Keith visit, Jenny is Freddie's niece and Keith her husband. They have been researching Freddie's and her Family Tree and brought us a copy. As well as this they brought cd's of old and treasured photographs they had copied, some were Freddies and some from an old album. Lots of photos in the album were very, very old and I picked a couple of the Great Aunts to put in my collages.

Just look at those beautiful dresses! I was amazed when I first saw them.
Anyway, I was pleased with how they turned out and thought you might like to see them.
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Monday 25 February 2013

TAW Wings..

The challenge on Take a Word today is WINGS.
I decided to make a Tea Party with Wings, just for fun.
Or it could be titled..'Where do babies come from'...
Looking forward to seeing everyone's wings today.
Thank you so much for looking.
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Sunday 24 February 2013

30th. Birthday party

Last night we had a surprise party for Richard who is 30 today. He had no idea at all and it was great teamwork by friends and family to make the food and get everything ready without his knowing.  John gave me a lift up to the Legion hall so I didn't have to drive.

Everyone got there and it was all quiet, the lights were out as Becky walked him in. It was just like something you always see on the movies with everyone shouting 'SURPRISE' and the lights went up. You should have seen his face. The disco lights were brilliant but the music.....well! Not to my taste at all just a loud noise and a thump, thump, thump. But everyone had a whale of a time.

There were photos of Richard from young childhood and school days to the present. Loads of balloons and gifts for the children to play with on every table.

I did manage to take a few photos before everything got noisy!

At the top my precious grandchildren, Richard and Rebecca. 
Me with my son Stanley and my daughter Sally.

Top left me with Rebecca's partner Donna, right my lovely Sally.
Bottom left a lovely pic of my niece Kelly and great niece Lauren
and then my dear DIL Jenny.
Richard of course in the centre.
Lots of family I didn't or couldn't take. The children were far too busy
 and didn't want to know!!  
I managed to stay until 10.30pm. before John brought me home.
A wonderful evening  and now a rest today.
Love and Hugs

Saturday 23 February 2013

Csabo Markus Challenge..

I've been making a few collages for a challenge over on Digitalmania on Flickr. We had to make something in the style of the Hungarian born painter Csabo Markus. One of my favourites so I used some of his wonderful ladies to make these.
Then I found another lady with her head wrapped in bubble wrap and with a few masterly (!!) changes I made her into a lady in the style of Markus, I think with a little success. I was pleased with the result anyhow. I think she looks better than when I found her! What do you think?
Your comments or critiques are always appreciated.

Its very cold here today with a fine sprinkling of powdery snow and it's still falling.
                                                     Keep warm everyone, Love and Hugs
                                                                        June xxx

Thursday 21 February 2013


I thought I'd do a little reminiscing today.....I've always loved jewellery and I  guess most of you have one or three favourite pieces and I must admit to having a passion for rings, so I have  quite a collection.
Years ago, almost Once upon a Time, I had a great passion for earrings. There was a shop down the bottom of Regent Road in Yarmouth I used to visit regularly. They had lovely costume jewellery and every couple of weeks or so I'd be able to afford another pair of earrings, at three shillings and sixpence a go!  The quality of these particular earrings was so good I still have several pairs, that look in mint condition. My favourites were the little gold hearts pierced with an arrow and they still fetch comments today. Since then I have had my ears pierced and have some respectable gold and pearl pieces.
A few weeks ago I found Etsy, that many of you know and while browsing I looked for vintage signed earrings. VOILA! I was in heaven, back to my teens, finding some beauties from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Temptation got the better of me and over a few weeks I have bought some.
Top left are gold toned metal flowers made by Giovanni. Bottom left lovely rope clusters from Napier.
Bottom right are not signed but have pretty pink stones in a gold leaf shaped setting.
But the pearl buttons are a sheer delight. These are Crown Trifari, and just look how the pearl has been taken around the back. Beautiful work. Considering the age of these (40 years!) I think they are special.
The costume jewellery made then was really made to last. So I hope I haven't made you jealous of my finds. If you have any stories about your old costume jewellery I'd really love to hear them.
                                                     So until then, lots of love and hugs,
                                                                           June xxxx

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Three Muses challenge..TIME..

Here is my collage for the Three Muses challenge..Time..
When we think of time it can get very emotive. Times past, lost loves, how time flies Thoughts that flit through your mind as you get older.... etc.
I think my picture gives that feeling, it does to me anway and the quote comes from the Bible. Sorry I can't remember chapter and verse.
I'm posting this a little early as appointments take over.
Thanks so much for looking and I appreciate your comments.
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

We once were Sweethearts..

A sad little tale it tells...
I found the sad looking lady on Google and
wove a little story around her.
The background is my own.
It's very hard to try and type with one finger while a Bichon, who thinks he's still a baby, wiggles and squiggles trying to climb up aroind my neck. He is quite comfortable while I have to support 4 legs and 1 bottom on my left hand and arm, which very soon gets pins and needles etc.!!
Quite a hard white frost this morning but the sun is trying very hard to push through the cloud.
Have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Monday 18 February 2013

TAW Blackbird..

This is another view of the Blackbird picture I did for Digitalmania.
So this is my entry for the Take a Word challenge this week.
Thanks so much for looking.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Sunday 17 February 2013

After a very frosty start we have wall to wall sunshine again with a lovely blue sky.
Algie has been happily exploring in the garden and manages somehow to
come in with a black face!
Phone calls from my cousin Freddie and my friend Cheryl
always cheer me.
I've just given Freddie a haircut, long overdue. it takes me a while as I have to keep sitting down! LOL! Algie was trying to catch floating hair and most of it seemed to disappear. I think he was eating it! His poop tomorrow will be cocooned in a cobweb of Fred's hair!!
Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday!
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Saturday 16 February 2013

Algie again..

This picture was made for a challenge on Digitalmania, on Flickr.
Of course it's not Algie being taken for a ride.
It's himself as a puppy sitting on the settee that I cut and pasted
into the cart!
But I thought it was a fun picture.
I hope you are all having the same fantastic sunshine wed have here!
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Friday 15 February 2013

I tried to put these pictures up yesterdaybut Blogger was up to its tricks again and wouldn't let me until I just had to give up, I was so frustrated. You can see I had to put these pics up on two seperate posts. It's almost enough to make me give up blogging!
 So here he us. now 9 months old. You can see he loves his dad too as he lays all evening on the settee beside him.
The new dose of morphine is making it harder to wake up in the morning and I feel very tired.
But it is definitely easing some of the pain so I am  very grateful for that.
Take good care of yourselves,
Love and hugs
June xxxx


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Three Muses...Red..

I decided to have a touch of the Orient this week for the Three Muses red challenge
So here is my Lady in red.
We've still got that horrid white 'nothing' sky and bitterly cold.
Still as they say......'It's only weather!' 
Keep warm and well,
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Just having a play with different layers etc.
It's always fun and you sometimes finish up with a surprise!
Well Algie has just had his bath and haircut and
looks and smells gorgeous!
I must try and get some new photos.
Love and hugs,
June xxx

Monday 11 February 2013

TAW Masks..


The Challenge this week on Take a Word is MASKS.
The top one is new and the bottom one I did a while ago
but I thought I'd show it again.
I'd rather like to have a silver mask like that one. I might even wear it
out. Perhaps it would give me an air of mystery! LOL!
Can you imagine it?
Looking forward to seeing everyone's masks this week.
Thank you so much for looking.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Sunday 10 February 2013

The Magdalene...

This collage is one I made a few weeks ago
and I thought it would be lovely for a Sunday.
So here it is and I hope you like it.
There's always been a little controversy over Mary Magdalene,  exactly who was she etc.
She always seemed to be close (near) to Jesus and some even think she was his wife.
The Gospels which were written from memory of the events often conflict with each other.
Whatever your faith I wish you a blessed Sunday.
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Saturday 9 February 2013

Sugar and Spice....

and all things nice......
Something pretty to feast your eyes.....
Soooooo very cold out and after sleety showers yesterday, at
 least the sun is trying desperately to come out.
I had to buy a new microwave oven yesterday. I hadn't had my little red one very long but we
discovered rust in the bottom and I thought that could be dangerous.
So I went online and had a good search to find what I wanted. Ordered it Thursday afternoon and it arrived by courier yesterday at 1.30pm. How's that for service!
I managed to get it out of the box and lift it onto the counter top and get it all set up, of course suffering for it afterwards! LOL! But you just have to, don't you? 
Now I just have to discover what all the buttons are for.
We'll soon get used to it!
Have a lovely day dear friends,
keep warm and stay well,
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Thursday 7 February 2013

Colour my Memories..

Something simpler today. Sometimes our memories seem sad and grey, just like this picture.
So we've got to lift ourselves up, dust ourselves down, and add a little colour to them. Think of something brighter...A fun day at the beach...shopping when you had birthday money to spend...or  even meeting a new grandbaby for the first time!  I'm sure you all have lots of colourful memories.
I was so happy to phone my cousin in Malta yesterday, to wish her happy Birthday and catch up with a little bit of news, about family and grandchildren etc.
I visited with my new doctor this morning. I like him very much. He has upped slightly my dose of medication, hopefully to ease lots of pain.
Then I went on to Chapel. This time I didn't take Algie as I went straight on after the doctor's.
He cries a lot when I leave him Freddie says. The fencing is working fine so he's been busy outside.
But my Goodness, you never saw such a muddy, dirty little dog when he comes in. He looks as if he's wearing black boots! And his footprints are everywhere!
                                                                           Have a lovely day,
                                                                                     Love and Hugs
                                                                                                  June xxx

Wednesday 6 February 2013

3 M Swirls and Twirls..

The Challenge this week on Three Muses is Swirls, Twirls
and Flourishes
This piece has my own background and kaleidoscope and a
swirling dancer in the centre.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the swirls etc. on the Three Muses site.
Thank you for looking and leaving a comment.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Aren't they the sweetest little gossips?
If you look carefully, you'll see some more!
It's bright but still very cold, so I must wrap up warm
as I have to get some milk from the local shop. My delivery last week
messed up the milk order and sent me umpteen packets of
dried milk powder instead.
Oh the joys of online shopping.
Sally had a wonderful weekend in London and thoroughly enjoyed
the show. 'We will rock you' I believe it was.
Love and hugs
June xxx

Monday 4 February 2013


The Challenge on Take a Word is Hearts or Valentines.
We're not quite on St. Valentine's day yet but here is my sample.
Thanks so much for looking. xx

Sunday 3 February 2013

Colour my Memories

Seems a dull and very cold Sunday out there.
I hope you like my picture today.
Bit of vintage again! LOL!

Well.....yesterday OPERATION ALGIE was in full swing.
John, Richard, and Ashton arrived at 8.30am. with arms full of posts and
green metal fencing. Working so hard in the cold and through a bitter
sleet shower, they completed the fence by noon!!
So the garden is Algie-proof..(we hope).
Richard said if he gets out now, he'll shoot him!! LOL.
So it's been well and truly inspected by his Royal Highness who came in covered in mud. He's had a real big explore this morning so fingers crossed!!

Wishing you all dear friends a happy Sunday.
Love and Hugs

June xxxx

Friday 1 February 2013

All Alone..

All Alone
I thought she looked rather alone as I made this picture.
Well SIL John has taken Sally and girl friends to catch a train to London.
There they'll have a Girly weekend, take in a show and hit the shops.
I'm sure it will do them all the world of good!
This morning too my sister dropped in for a quick visit and coffee
and attempted to give Algie some training!
Of course it didn't work as he just wanted to inspect her and kiss her all over
 as is his wont, before he settles down.
Still bitterly cold though the sun is brilliant.
Hope the sun is shining on you,
Love and Hugs
June xxx