Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Tell me Again ..

Another made with inspiration from an old country song
I used to sing.. once upon a time....smile...

Saturday 25 April 2015

We have met before....

Just a piece of Whimsy
but a lovely thought...


and some music to go with..
June xxx

Friday 24 April 2015

Believe in Magic..

I believe in magic, it's all around us and you too can find
a piece of magic every day...
you just have to know where to look......

The sun glinting on a pheasant's wing... the blossom that fell right 
at your feet.. the babe that puts his hand in yours..
the smile you get from a complete stranger...
 and you give them one if yours...

Have a magical day dear friends

June xxx

Thursday 23 April 2015


Still managing to have a little creative play with one arm
in a sling. It's harder trying to type with one finger....smile...

I would go slightly crazy doing absolutely nothing..

Love and Hugs
June xxx

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Dance of the Blue Butterflies...

I love butterflies and I was happy how this
turned out.

The stitches came out yesterday but there's a lot of
nerve damage.
I have a remade cast which feels a bit  more comfortable,,,,,

Not feeling much like Challenges at the moment.
Catching up on sleep and trying to gently
massage the scars.......ooooohhhh....smile....

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Too Beautiful..

Just a little bit of whimsy...

The surgery went well and as I was awake the surgion showed
me the tendons he was connecting, all very interesting..
They took care of me very well and I was home again
by early evening.

Now I've been to hospital again today and they removed the cast
and dressings. And I was able to see the wounds which are looking well.
I now am wearing another cast with no bulk underneath but must do
nothing and keep it in the sling,
Stitches come out in a week..

Take care all of you,,,!
June xxx

Thursday 9 April 2015


I like to look for different and interesting quotes so I put this on
a picture just to please me.
The woman is extracted from a Russian painting and of course I've
lost the unpronounceable name of the painter.

Today I am going into hospital for the day to have an
operation on my hand. I have ruptured two tendons after my falls
and it means I shall have a cast on for 6 weeks...Eeeek!!
I am a bit nervous but hopefully everything will go ok....
but I shall be more useless than usual....smile....

Tuesday 7 April 2015

April in Paris

Made just for me...

Sunday 5 April 2015

TAW challenge...Numbers..

Art Deco with a touch of modern...
and 3 plus 7 makes 10.
Just having a play.
Nice challenge this week again....
A little piece for the Take a Word Numbers challenge.

Thank you so much for your visit,

June xxx