Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 30 April 2013

New Cards..


Three new cards I've designed.
Always handy to keep in my stash!
Hugs and Smiles,
June xxx

Monday 29 April 2013

TAW... Beautiful...

Beautiful.....that's the challenge today on Take a Word.
What do we find most beautiful?
So many things to choose from....in nature...birds, flowers etc.
Posessions...a favourite ornament or book, something that holds memories.
Beauty is found in so many things. And it's such a personal thing.
My first collage is a typical vintage beauty. Plain, simple, not too
overcrowded and I think it's beautiful.

Then we come to family. We all think our own children or grandchildren
are beautiful. This is Skyela, not yet 4 years old.
She is rehearsing as her dance class are doing a spot in a bigger show.
I wish I could be there next month to see her.
I'm looking forward to seeing your idea of beauty
and what is beautiful to you.
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Sunday 28 April 2013

Mona Lisa Again...

I'm quite sure my regular visitors will know by now how I love
to alter pictures of dear Mona.
So above is 'Hello! Mona calling!'

And this is another.
I hope you enjoy them.
The cold wind continues alas, otherwise it's been fine
and I've been crocheting in the Summerhouse. Yesterday my little
 rascal stole some wool from my bag as quick as a wink so
there were trails of pink wool all over the garden!
Then he comes to sit on my lap to say Sorry!
Have a wonderful day dear friends,
June xxx

Friday 26 April 2013

Vintage postcards..

A couple of vintage styled postcards I've made this morning.
Algie continues to get into mischief. He found a packet of salt in the shed,
all ready for more frosty paths.
Brought it indoors, tossing it into the air and having a great time.
Of course the bag split, spreading salt everywhere and in the process he
managed to ingest some, resulting in sickness and more mess!!
Life is full of excitement with that little dog.
Have a great weekend,
Hugs and smiles,
June xxx

Thursday 25 April 2013

Great Granddad..

This is a photo taken after the wedding of my Great Aunt Harriet.
The gentleman on the right is my Great Grandfather Abraham James Mallett.
Old family photos are so precious. I was happy to place it in a collage.
Thank you for your visits.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Three Muses..Blue Moos..

The challenge this week on Three Muses is make 3 Moos...those tiny little bookmark shaped things.
I'm not too happy making these...anyway I've made mine Sea Moos and placed the three on a background so I hope that's OK. I'm looking forward to seeing what all the others have made!
Thanks for looking and have a great day,
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Sunday 21 April 2013

TAW..The Sea..

A glorious morning here today.
Here is my collage for Take a Word challenge this week.
The Sea.  The lady is waiting, waiting for news of her beloved,
across the sea, she knew not where.....
Thank you all for visiting,
Hugs and Smiles,
June xxx

Spring is here..

I think Spring has finally arrived.
I have opened up the Summerhouse and I have been out there a couple
of afternoons this week while Algie explores the garden. He likes someone
to be out there with him and every so often comes to sit on my lap and gaze
at any birdlife or sniff the air.
But the wind has still been chilly and I need a warm crocheted rug over my legs.
Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday.
Love and hugs
June xxx

Friday 19 April 2013

More Catz! ...

The Russian Princess Irina

and Lady Phoebe
A couple more portraits fot you to see.
Hugs and Smiles,
June xxx

Thursday 18 April 2013



I love to take a picture of a person or a gorgeous
portrait as here and manipulate it to make it a
Cat person.
Some of you may remember some time ago I did
a whole series of cats in one family. Father, mother, children,
aunts and cousins. When I had finished I had them all printed in a book.
So here are a couple more and to me they each take on the personna
of a cat. I look at the finished picture and they are cats!
So here's Baby Tova.
Thank you so much for all your visits and comments.
Have a good day,
Love and Hugs
June xx

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Go fly a kite 3M...

I thought I 'd put a slightly differeny slant on kite flying today.  This is my collage
for the Three Muses challenge this week.
Thanks for your visit,
Have a great Wednesday, Wodin's day.
Hugs and Smiles,
June xxxx

By the Sea..

I have lived by the sea all my life, the North Sea. A sea of many moods....calm and serene one day and the next, dark and menacing with gigantic waves. I have lain in bed and heard the waves crashing on the shingle banks and in the great flood of '53, it broke all sea defences with a mighty surge, causing untold damage and loss of life. The sea is never to be taken lightly....but always with great respect.   My mother's only brother died at sea during the '39-'45 war.
I found this wonderful photo taken in 1900 of two handsome young fishermen from the Faroe islands. I can imagine their life, working every day in all weathers, hauling their nets to feed their families. Not an easy life. So I had to make a collage using their photo and I was pleased with the way it turned out. I hope you like it too, whether you live by the sea or not.

And here are a couple of photos of long ago North Norfolk fishermen. In the top picture you can see their heavy boots. If they fell into the sea, the weight would pull them down straight away. These were the days when the Lifeboat had no engine but mounted the huge waves of a storm rowed by manpower alone to try and rescue a vessel in distress. heroes one and all...... 
Have a great day, I think Spring has arrived at last!
Love and Hugs
June xxxx

Monday 15 April 2013

TAW.. Vintage Beauty..

My favourite subject....Vintage beauty..so I had to make at least
a couple for this weeks Take a Word challenge.
We all remember I'm sure the adverts for Pears soap. 
This pretty vintage image was in sepia. I made her black
and white and coloured her softly with my mouse.
The pretty borders are by Florju.
I had to use this young lady when I found her. I was
fascinated by her hair-do and I don't thinkl she was very old.
The background and other elements from my vast stash.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Have a very happy Monday.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Friday 12 April 2013


A couple of sleepy time pictures I've recently made for you today.
I found the images of the sleeping women and built the collages around them.
I've also had a few trips to my doctor recently and he has been trying to sort something out for my pain. He is new to me and I've found him caring and helpful. We tried the patches first but my skin got burned as I reacted badly to them.
Then with a doubled up dose of some I am already on I have found my Fibromyalgia pain diminished somewhat, which is a great help. That is helping me relax more so is very welcoming.
I hope if you are in pain you may find some help
as I know how debilitating it is.
Have a good day,
With love and hugs,
June xxxx

Wednesday 10 April 2013

3M..The Written Word..

Here's my challenge for the Three Muses this week.
The Writtem Word.
Where would we be without it? No books, no letters, unimaginable!
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment.
I hope to get back to you!
love and Hugs
June xxx

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Rebecca Jane

to my darling Granddaughter today.
Wishing you every happiness sweetheart,
today and always. xxxx

Monday 8 April 2013


Good day everyone! Here's my challenge for Take a Word. Botanical.
Some things from Itkupilli, some Googled.
Thank you for looking.
love and Hugs
June xxx

Friday 5 April 2013

The Pattern..

I was having a play the other day.   I started with the vintage image of the flapper and enlarged it.
Then I overlaid her with some pretty background  paper, added some Photoshop textures and there you are!
I posted her on my Flickr site and I was amazed at the response!  Some thought it exquisite!
                           To me she looked strange and was just an experiment.
                    So have a play and don't be afraid!   You may be pleasantly surprised!
                                 Have a fine day and if you're in the UK keep warm!
                                                Love and hugs
                                                          June xxx

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Kiss..

Her sweetheart is off to far away places with strange sounding names. Who knows how long it will be before she sees him again. She must stay home with her sewing and embroidery, hoping to receive a posrcard....... But she will keep in her heart the memory of that last kiss......
Aaaaah....Romance!  Those were the days!

I'm off to Chapel this morning...I'm taking the Service with a little help from Algie.

                                  Have a great day, so wishing you all well.
                                                  Love and hugs
                                                                         June xxx

3M Challenge..Transport..

It's Wednesday...it's the Three Muses Challenge day.  This week..Transportation.
For some reason my brain wouldn't function but eventually came up with this.
I think it must be everyone's first mode of transport. Though not in this model!
Everything Googled, my own textures and messing about with artwork and effects etc.
Thank you so much for looking..
                                                      Love and Hugs
                                                             June xxx

Monday 1 April 2013

Take a Word challenge...Moon..

Here in the UK it is a Bank Holiday.  So the cold Easter weekend continues into the week.
So many ways to interpret the challenge this week on Take a Word.    Moon....can bring up so many thoughts and memories. I've made a couple of pictures this week and all the images were found on the www. Looking forward to seeing everyone's take on this challenge.
Have a great day. Thanks for your visit and comment.

                                                            love and hugs
                                                                     June xxx