Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 7 October 2010

The Girl can't help it!..

She just loves fur!!

Fortunately in this day and age, apart from the kitties,
we are satisfied with acrylics. Well I am, anyway...


Netty said...

You are so brilliant at these collages June, I love this one as well.......furrrrrrry nice...oops sorry, couldn't resist it. Annette x

Patti said...

I love this collage, June. It's very pretty.

I remember that my grandmother had furs. Even in the 60's, it wasn't politically incorrect to wear them!! I always loved her furs, but since I was living in Florida when she passed away, I opted out of adding them to my wardrobe. I DO think fur coats and hats are pretty, though, and unlike cats, to which I am horribly allergic, their deceased fur doesn't bring about an asthmatic attack or swollen eyes.


Brenda Brown said...

I love fur too, but it has to be the fake fur, but saying that I very rarely wear it. Love the image of the girl and of course the pussy cats. B xxx

Diane said...

Another beautiful piece!! My goodness you are so creative! Kudos to you!!

Big hugs,


Betty said...

Wow june love this your so talented at digital art is so purrrrfect.
Betty x x

vintage wil said...

Another beautiful piece!!

Kim B said...

Wonderful art. You amaze me..
Hope you are feeling good.