Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 22 October 2010

Dear little girl..

Such a sweetie with her ribbon in her hair and clutching her dolly.
She was a freebie from Pringle Hill Studio.
Thank you Terri  xx

Several of you have asked how I can continue to make pictures while I am
so worried about Freddie. Fair question.
I am alone in the house, apart from my little dog who misses his walks.
And once I have done my few chores I come in here to make pictures.
To me it's a Therapy. I almost forget my physical pain. My mental anguish
doesn't go away but it saves me from going up the wall, so to speak!
I can't just sit and do nothing or watch TV all day.
My daughter came and cleaned through the house yesterday and changed
my duvet cover and beddng etc. The washing maching went on, then into
the tumble dryer. My grandson came down at teatime and lifted it all out for me
so I just sat and folded everything and put away.
I'm just going to find something for my lunch and I can wash up from
my wheelchair. So everything's covered as far as possible.
I bet a lot of you wish you had as much time on your hands as I do!! LOL!!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments. You all make my day!!
My dear SIL and daughter are taking me to see Freddie this evening so I can
at last see for myself how his memory and speech are faring.
I am so looking forward to seeing him.

Love and Hugs
June xxxxx


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

The picture is darling dear June.
What a treasure family can be. Your lovely daughter and grandson taking care of you. But then lovely people like you deserve kindness. May God bless you and Freddie and keep you both safe and well. xxxxx

Miss Hillbilly said...

I completely understand that your creations are what get you through the day!

I have another personal challenge for you. I'll email it to you. Grab your tissues though. It will move you.

Hugs to you June! Lots of hugs and prayers!!

Finding Pam said...

Hi June, I came over from Cindy's blog. I just wanted to say that I am lifting you and Freddie up to the LOrd in prayer.

You are so very talented. I loved the digital book you sent Cindy.

May you feel the love and prayers everyone.

Sharon Cohen said...

I'm popping in from Cindy's at the news of your husband's stroke. I will be keeping both of you in prayer. As I recently posted on my Hearten Soul blog, I married a stroke survivor, suffered a stroke of my own and then nursed my dog after her stroke.

I want you to know, as a stroke survivor and as a caregiver, that prayers effective. I can offer you and Freddie my fervent prayers for peace of mind.

Jill said...

This is a lovely picture you've done! i really enjoy looking at them all. I am keeping you and your husband in my prayers. Many blessings to you both.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I could so see how continuning to share your pictures and blogging could definitely be a blessing. I know God uses it to bring so much peace and joy to me.

Came over from Cindy's to let you know I am still praying for you and Freddie. I have now added you to my prayer closet page which I opened up last week over at my blog.

Much love!

Patti said...

You have a wonderful supportive family, June, which is such a blessing!!! And I totally agree that, especially in times of anxiety, you need something to occupy your mind. So, I'm glad that your beautiful artwork is therapy for you.

I'm SO glad you are getting to visit Freddie tonight. I'm continuing to ask the Lord to restore him to health and enable him to return home soon.

Finally, the little girl really IS sweet. You did a lovely job with her.


Netty said...

Another fab picture June. My question is: Are your family for hire please? I do hope you find Freddie much improved which will give you some peace of mind. Worrying times I know but having your art really helps one to get through. Take care sweetheart, Hugs Annette x

Kim B said...

They say art is a therapy that heals. I understand completely how it would help to fill the time with some sunshine.
Happy weekend Hugs, Kim