Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 30 June 2011

Live Art..

I found this lady while browsing.
If this is her back, I wonder what the front looks like?
I also wonder what all these tattoos will look like when 
she is old and everything is wrinkled or sagging?
Good luck to her but I couldn't imagine having that
done to my body.
It seems it's all the fashion nowadays with young people.
Who starts these crazes?
Do you have any tattoos?

Theme Thursday Challenge. ATC

Theme Thursday's Challenge this week was to make an ATC. Nice to have your own choice! Here I have made one digitally  and layered it onto a larger image of the same. All images were Googled.
                                                                 Thank you for looking.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Smile..and Happiness..

How could you not smile at this lovely child?
There's a contrast in the colours of these two collages.
Rich red tones and below a study in creams and beiges.
Mind you, she doesn't look too happy, does she?

We had a terrific thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and early evening. The thunder rolled around us, out to sea and back again as it usually does. We've definitely had enough rain now for a little while I think, and what does June do? Yes, she left the passenger's car window open just a teeny, weeny bit!
So the rain came in and left the seat and floor rather damp!! At least it's not on my side..........LOL!

Richard came this afternoon with the new Briggs and Stratton lawnmower and cut all the grass and tidied everything up again. I made a fruit cake this morning, we both tried a piece and he took the rest home.
                                                   Hope you're all having a nice day.
                                                                             June xx

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Stairs..Steps..

The Staircase of Lost Souls.
Three Muses asked us to do a challenge featuring stairs or steps.
So this is what I came up with.
Thank you for looking and leaving a comment.xx

I thought I'd show you a couple of the bears I have made for those who haven't seen them before.
The little lady on the left wearing her pretty hand crocheted jacket, can stand alone and the chappie on the right comes complete with belly button!
He's one of my favourites.

This one is just having a play..as usual!

My Goodness, wasn't it hot yesterday! I managed to keep the house cool in the morning but by the afternoon there was nothing I could do. Fans were just blowing hot air about.
At midday when it was  so hot, I had to drive to the next town to the dentist. Coming home with a numb mouth and half a nose...at least that's what it felt like!
By then I felt quite ill with the heat, it doesn't suit me at all. My heart starts racing, my head  pounds and I wish i could sit in a bucket of cold water.

Oh I was so happy to feel it cooler this morning.
Sorry to all you who love the heat! LOL

Monday 27 June 2011

I am featured!!

I am honoured to be the featured artist today on June's Dezinaworld Blog.
The picture above I made for her yonks ago with one of her clown images.
Please go and have a look at her site, before my head bursts with swelling!LOL!
I am pleased you like the work I do June! It's always a pleasure to use your
lovely images!
(If you scroll down I have a huge album there too!) 

Take a Word Challenge..Beach..

I'm a bit late posting....my server was down and it has put me behind in everything!

Here's my challenge for the TAW beach challenge.
My Grandmother's name was Ethel and she would have laughed at this.
Hope it gives you a smile.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Dear Old Pals..

When I saw these boys it immediately brought to mind Friendship.
How wonderful is Friendship. Some friends drift in and out of
our lives, some stay a while, for a reason or a season as they say.
Some it seems we've known all our lives and we keep in touch wherever they go.
The world has got smaller, with travel and communications.
So now we can add internet friends. Some we feel as if we've known forever too. We can share joys and heartbreak. It's amazing how we suddenly have a rapport with someone we have never met and are probably never likely to.
So I dedicate this collage to my wonderful internet friends.
You have all brought a richness to my life.
It's my greatest pleasure to 'know' you all.

So I say God Bless, Thank you
and have a wonderful Sunday. xxxx

Saturday 25 June 2011

The Juggling Gnome SPA..

I know, I know, this poor creature is one of the ugliest gnomes you've ever seen
But he looked much worse when Corey found him hiding under a bush in the garden.
He was totally bald and totally nude. I felt sorry for him,
so I brought him in and washed and dressed him.
Then I found he was rather appreciative and could dance a bit.
He also had a penchant for a bit of juggling.

This is my entry for Sunday Postcard Art this week.

Thank you for your comments. xx

Billy Boy..

Here he is, newly retired and looking scrumptilicious!.
Sorry I didn't bring any presents to your party. Perhaps this will
make up for it.
Go and visit Bill for his super party.

PS Please scroll down for a couple of free background papers.
You can alaso use them for Overlays if you decrease the transparency.

Ghost Riders in the Sky..

SoArtful gave us this lovely painting of a cowboy this week,
carrying his saddle on his back, striding across the prairie.
It immediately brought back the memory of the old song

'Ghost Riders in the Sky.'
An old cow poke went ridin' out one dark and windy day,
And on a ridge he rested as he went along his way.
When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he saw,
Come rushin' through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw.

I've just layered three photographs to make this collage.

The Young Krishna..

The young Krishna, very much altered.
The original picture is at the top right of the collage, kindly given to use
 by Freubel, with many thanks.
The background and weaving have been made with my new programme
and the flying horse is a freebie.

Friday 24 June 2011


 I was up very early this morning and made these backgrounds. I went into my blogger as usual and very
tentatively tried to upload and Holey Moley they uploaded first time.

Anyway.....I don't know if they are of any use to someone.
They are free to use, just left click to enlarge
and right click to save to your computer.
You can print them out as they are or for digital work you can
upload and add frames, layers. etcetera.
Please let me know what you think.......xx

Posted by Picasa

Sweet little Children

This is one of the collages I have made  from Dezinaworld's 'Sweet Little Children' which she has put up today. They are all absolutely delightful. You must pop over and have a peek.
I have another I did but I have been having so much trouble today with Blogger. It constantly keeps refusing to let me upload images. I shall have yet another try
so fingers crossed.


Just another technique I've tried, What do you think?
I liked the background and colours......

Well Good morning everyone! Thanks for visitting!
I did sleep better last night (in my chair) and woke at 6am to brilliant sunshine.
However I feel a bit like this woman, in several pieces.Blogger has been up to it's tricks again and didn't want me to upload any pictures for a start. That's one headache. I had to go a different route!

Had my shower and already feel hot and sticky! I have to go to have my toenails cut this morning. Not far, I can go on the scooter.
The groceries are coming this morning so have to hurry back for that.
Bills to pay, letters to write...etcetera..my head is spinning.

After a visit yesterday from OT's they have suggested a physio comes to give me balance exercises! I've never heard of such a thing.
What next I ask myself....
Moan, moan, moan!

Really I am fine, such a lot to be thankful for but I feel better that I've unloaded!! LOL!!
Have a great Friday everyone.

Love and Hugs
June xxx

Thursday 23 June 2011

Theme Thursday..Borders..

Here is my collage for Theme Thursday's Challenge this week. Borders. I've made lots of frames as my borders.
The images are from Dezinaworld. June's new sheet of Musical children
Hope you like it.xx

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Framed lady..

This is another of my Framed series. Playing about with layers and more painterly splodges! Hope you like her.

The Artist..

I've had a rotten night so I've been on here since before 5am. Glad to be up!
This picture has a background by Astrid (thank you!)
The lady was a vintage photograph, much altered by me. Everything else Googled. What do you think?

Flight of Fancy

This collage I did last week for a Flickr Challenge, called Flight of Fancy.
The seated girl is by Rodney Shaw and the dandelion brushes are by Obsidian Dawn.

Three Muses Challenge..Light hearted..

Jemima said to the stork crossly 'I hope you've not brought anything for me!
I have enough trouble with that scaly green thing you dropped
last time you came by!'

Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Longest Day..

I can hardly believe it is two years today I lost my Mum.
Since I held her hand and whispered my Goodbyes....

The photograph above has always been my favourite.
 It hung in a frame above my Nan's  big black piano and
I can see it there now in my mind's eye.
 I loved it from when I was a little girl and
my Mum told me she was wearing a pale blue satin dress.
 She was about 18 or 19 in this picture.

So here we are again in the longest day. Can you believe
the evenings will soon start to get darker?
Where does the time go....?

Monday 20 June 2011

Collage Obsession..Beach..

Collage Obsession gave us this coloured vintage bathing beauty
for a beach challenge.
I've let my very favourite film star Betty Grable join her,
the girl with the million dollar legs.
Hope you like it.xx

Sunday 19 June 2011

Take a Word Challenge..Fantasy..

Here is my challenge collage for Take a Word. The Theme word is Fantasy,
so my picture is called Underwater Fantasy.
Do you believe in mermaids?

Boiled Fruit cake..

I posted yesterday about buying a boiled fruit cake and dear friend Chris Arlington asked me about it.
I'm sure many of you know all about them but this is especially for Chris.

Years ago I had a very simple recipe for one and my daughter Sally used to call it her 'Guggy cake'.

In a saucepan put a cup each of sugar, sultanas, currants and water, plus 4 oz. margarine and 2 teaspoons of mixed spice. Bring gently to the boil and then let it cool. (I guess nowadays we'd use the microwave!)

Stir in 2 cups of Self raising flour and bake in a big greased tin about an hour in a moderate oven, or till done. It comes out wonderfully moist.

                  So that's Sally's Guggy cake. Lots of recipes now on the www!

No good for diabetics Chris! 'They' say you can use these artificial sweeteners in recipes but I've never tried it, so don't know if it would work.

I have another recipe with more ingredients, including a tin of condensed milk. This is so large and rich I've used it as a Christmas cake.

All that has made me feel hungry. I think I'll go and have a slice of my boiled fruit cake for breakfast!


I've made 4 of these 'framed' pics lately, just to play about with some painterly splodge brushes (technical term there!) and layers etc. I've been pleased how they turned out.
Here is one with one of my favourite vintage images, a young sailor.
I've used him many times in my artwork.

Comments please!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge..Vintage Men..

I couldn't decide which postcard I liked better so
here's two of them.
Especially for Father's Day.

This young gentleman is very casually dressed.
Can you see he has no laces in his shoes?

The Tiger Lily.

I found these line drawings while Googling (as usual!).
The bottom one was so pretty with her tiger lilies
I painted her in Photoship with my mouse.
I hope you like her.

I had my visit to the new dentist yesterday at last! There's work needing to be done..of course!
Just my luck he was running late because of an emergency. It was an hour and ten minutes past my appointment time before I saw him. Whew! What a morning...

This morning I've been to the Chapel Sale and bought home made cake, marmalade, books and some music and a few etceteras! I had two coffees and lots of chatting. A nice time.

Wishing you all a happy weekend, whatever you're doing.
Hugs and blessings,

June xxxx

SoArtful Challenge..The Crystal Ball..

SoArtful suggested this painting by Waterhouse of the lady
in the red dress for their challenge today.
I thought she was waiting, so did something quite simple,
 letting the verse say it all.

Friday 17 June 2011

Great Aunt Poppy..

Poppy was a Diva of the Jazz Age, a follower of Fashion,
a lover of night clubs, a connoisseur of cocktails,
game for anything.
 Dressed in furs and feathers she was a Beauty.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Carolyn's Query..

Hi Carolyn, I'll try to answer your question..'How do I file all my images'.
With great difficulty sometimes Carolyn as I have so many!

I have lots on this computer and lots more on an external hard drive.

I have separate folders for everything and try to keep them in Alphabetical  order.
For instance, I have Family photos..old and new.
Vintage photos..Children..ladies..men etc.
Flowers. Frames. Overlays and Backgrounds.
Special backgrounds etc. etc. I hope you get the picture.
Some like ephemera spill over to Folder 1 and Folder 2.

I have so many digital scrapbooking sets that I either bought or found freebies, all these are in separate folders by name.

When I have finished a collage I keep it in a folder for that month, then it resides on my external HD when I start a new month.

Most times I have difficulty myself in finding what I want. I think I have far too many photos.
Every now and again I'll do a little 'Housekeeping'. Deleting some I have used and won't use again, or moving some folders to my external HD to free up a bit of space on here.

Sometimes when trying to make a new collage I spend more time searching through folders than I do to make the actual collage! Sometimes I think I am so disorganised it's a nightmare!
But I suppose I have got used to my own system, if you can call it that!

It would be interesting to see how others organise their 'stuff'.

Hope you can make sense of all this!

                           love and hugs

                                   June xx

This is another collage I have done after the style of
Anahata Katkin.

Theme Thursday..Summer..

A little Collage for Theme Thursday this week.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Beautiful Women..

I've put up a new heading for my birthday.
So here is a pretty lady to go with it.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Postmark Paris..

I enjoyed this challenge.
Postmark Paris.

Collage Obsession Challenge..Ships and Boats..

Here is my entry for the Ships Challenge over at
Collage Obsession.
Thanks for looking.

Blue Lady

Good morning dear friends,
I hope you like this picture. It is part of a stained glass window and the background is a mosaic of glass. Both images Googled. I though she has such a serene face.

I was up bright and early, well not so bright, it takes ten minutes or so to come round!
Yesterday Freddie went to see his/our heart specialist in Norwich.
She was very pleased with his progress, thought he looked very well and doesn't want to see him again. I think that's marvellous news that the operation was such a success!
As for me, I've cracked up completely. Yesterday I went to a new dentist. They had no knowledge of my appointment. It seems I had phoned and booked at their other address.
I've thought for some time my brain is turning to mush, can't remember words sometimes when I'm talking. Is there hope for me?
Will you admit to doing something so stupid? Believe me, I felt so foolish.....

And here are two pictures I did yesterday for June at Dezinaworld,
using her new Background and Serious Ladies sheets.
By the way, it's June's Birthday today so

Monday 13 June 2011


Yesterday two year old Skyela
stole the show!

Candid Camera..

We had a lovely lunch party yesterday. Just my granddaughter missing as she was working,
By the look of some of these serious faces, some of them look as though they would rather be somewhere else! But I don't think that was the case. Here they are all waiting for lunch to be served and Skyela with her elbows on the table waited very patiently, bless her.
No pics of me however......

Sunday 12 June 2011

TAW Challenge 33.. Insects..

The enlarged head of the praying mantis in the background looks like an alien being to me!

Now there's this bloke on the internet (trust me, I've lost his name already) who takes REAL insects (dead of course) and fits them up with minute metal parts, wires, watch wheels etc. to turn them into 'works of art'. He sells them for mega dollars and people collect them.
His work is quite fantastic but collect them?.........me?.......Nah!.......

All images Googled.

I've found his name...Mike Libby

Sing from the Soul.

This is how I feel this beautiful, bright Sunday morning.
I'm looking forward to having my wonderful family all around
me today.
Wishing you all a happy Song and
a beautiful Sunday.
June xxx

Saturday 11 June 2011

SPA.. Me..

The subject for the Sunday Postcard Art Challenge this week is ME.
So here's my postcard, three vignettes of me and My Mum!
All say 'Aaaaahhhhhh'...........LOL!

SoArtful Challenge..

The Saturday Challenge from SoArtful this week is Elizabeth Taylor.
We had a picture to use if we wanted and I have just used her head with an added wreath of roses.
Jeanette wrote about private letters and postcards written by Liz, previously unpublished, which made an awful lot of money. So I have added a hint of handwriting in the background.
I have given he a veiled overlay as I think she could be such a woman of mystery.
I hope you like what I gave done with her.