Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 30 April 2011


The Challenge at Sunday Postcard Art this week is wedding.
As there has been so much stuff about the Royal wedding
this is a great theme.
So here is my postcard all ready to be sent to the bride.
Thanks for looking.xx

SoArtful Challenge..

SoArtful today gave us a choice of photographs of Maud Fealy to alter.
She was a famous actress in America at the beginning of the last century.
I've kept mine fairly simple as I don't think you can improve  beauty like this.
Thank you for looking. xx

Friday 29 April 2011

What a Day!..

I think this is the moment we'd all been waiting for the most!
They looked so happy and so in love.
What a wonderful day!

This is the day!!

This is the day we've all been waiting for...

I am joining the world in wishing you the happiest of days.
May God bless you both in the years ahead.

* * * * *

If you'd like to view the very best alternative Royal Wedding party
please go visit WJC's Digital World

Sending best wishes to everyone, viewing the wedding or not.
Big Hugs
June xxx

Thursday 28 April 2011

Theme Thursday..Vintage..

Theme Thursday challenges us this week to make vintage!
Well......as you all know I love vintage and make quite a lot of vintage collages.
Here's one with an image by Dezinaworld.
And on my header you can see another angel trying on a hat!
Hope you likie it.

Spring Special..

Today I want to show you some collages I have created for my dear friend June at Dezinaworld.
 These backgrounds and images are from her soon to be released set called
And special they are!
Pretty backgrounds, beautiful ladies and even some Spring trims!
Do keep an eye out for her new set.
Her button is on my sidebar.

* * * * *

Maybe one of these days I'll be able to give myself a Gold Star
for being ordinary, and maybe one of these days I'll give myself
a Gold Star for being extraordinary.......for persisting.
And maybe one day I won't need to have a star at all.......

                                           Sue Bender

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Pen and Paper..

This is my collage for the 100 themes project.
No.81  Pen and Paper.
All the images are Googled. I was pleased to find the top left image,
your position when writing.
I doubt many people, put pen to paper nowadays, except for
scribbling a shopping list perhaps.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Underwear..

I couldn't help thinking of that department store and dear Mrs. Slocomb
so here's my underwear collage for this week.


This is my challenge No.93 Falling.
As you can see, this poor fellow has fallen from his super powered
bicycle. I had fun making this Steampunk collage.

Adding to yesterday's Home Help memories, I went to an elderly lady as a Holiday Relief. She wanted some shopping done and gave me a list. Up until then I don't think I had ever met anyone so cantankerous, fussy and downright unloveable!
I walked to the shop, not far and while there, we had a sudden cloudburst and the main road I had to cross was totally flooded. I had to wade through knee deep water and I was totally soaked, my hair dripping, in fact everything dripping. When I got back, I stood dripping onto a sheet of newspaper she had lain on the floor and I asked if she'd mind signing my chit so I could leave off early to go home and change my clothes, and I would make up the 10 minutes left next time I came.
No....she wanted me to cut her hair.
So there I stood, dripping onto more newspaper as I cut her hair....
I still had to go home on my bicycle and change, even my underwear was wet! I was 10 minutes late getting to the next client, who didn't mind at all!
Yes, she was definitely unloveable, and has always stuck in my mind.

June xxx

Monday 25 April 2011

More memories..

At last a nurse came this morning to dress Freddie's feet and look at his leg wound. Not before I had been on the phone to remind them. His leg is very painful and it is not surprising when you see it. He has an infection there and is on a massive dose of anti biotics. Being diabetic of course it takes much longer to heal.
In between doing chores, hanging out washing, etcetera, I've been looking at all the beautiful collages for the Three Muses TAW challenge. Memories. And my mind has been working overtime today. After the nurse came, my mind took me back to the mid 60's when I was a Home Help. As well as caring for clients, we had to clean their house up too. Much different today, where they only get half an hour to prepare a lunch. No cleaning the house!

One of my early jobs, they had those old piece mats on the floor. Everyone had them years ago and they never wore out. These were never shaken out either. So I took them up to sweep the floor. No vacuums then. You should have seen the muck and dust that came out of them. Well perhaps not 'cos when I got home I had to stand in the bath to remove all my clothes as the fleas were jumping off me!!

I went to a dear old man and stayed with him as a client a long, long time. He swore like a trooper and when he discovered he knew my Granddad, well he was putty in my hands! The doctor called once and asked if he always swore like that when he spoke to me. Oh no problem, I replied. I just swear right back!
That was the first time I'd ever been offered a cup of tea in a pudding basin!   Memories.....

I remember how much it saddened me to visit old people who had sons or daughters maybe living almost in the next street but they never came to visit. I've never forgotten that....

I've rambled enough, I must go and get Freddie something to eat or he'll give me the sack!

Love and Hugs
June xx

N0.71 Wind

This is one of my Challenges for the 100 themes...No.71 Wind.
I thought I'd break the mould this time. Not everyone can be slim and svelte.
We come in all shapes and sizes. These images were Googled and when I saw the expression on this lady's face, I thought she looked beautiful. An ideal subject.
I hope you like her.


So many memories, for the Take a Word Challenge this week.
Childhood, loving grandparents, growing up,marriage, children,
grandchildren, etc. etc. Far too many to choose just one.
So I've just made this collage. I'm sure she had delighful memories,
love letters tucked away in that little pink box......

Sunday 24 April 2011

SPA Challenge..Easter..

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge this week is Easter.
What better message can you give?
After all, He is the reason for the season....
I hope you all have a joyous Easter Day.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Dezinaworld Pictures..

I have sadly neglected making any pictures for dear friend June over at Dezinaworld. I know she understands as she has been going through traumas herself.
She sent me her new sheet of 'Graceful Beauties' so I made these this morning with much pleasure. There's nothing I like more than these beautiful vintage images of gorgeous ladies so I hope you like what I've done. There are so many more on the sheet. Do pop over to visit June. She'd love to have you visit.

Soartful Saturday Challenge..

SoArtful this week gave us this pretty chocolate box lady to use if we wish.
She reminded me of My Fair lady so I gave her a Street background.
Hope you like her.

Friday 22 April 2011

Seampunk Unuverse..

This is my version of a Steampunk Universe. Those flying machines must just be careful
they don't get sucked into a Black Hole as Lord know where they'll end up.
This is my collage for the 100 themes, No.56 Universe.
Elements from Rina Kroes.

Have a lovely day.
Hugs xx

Thursday 21 April 2011

Theme Thursday..Girls..

My 10 minute piece of whimsy for the Theme Thursday

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Memory Box..

I made this some weeks ago and I found it again yesterday.

It's Thursday here for me already although this will come under Wednesday's posting.

Yesterday was long and tiring. First I had a fall in the garden. My grandson came round the corner to find me lying there. I'd been trying to water some pots, stick in one hand and watering can in the other.
He made me laugh as he said afterwards he thought Nan was sunbathing! LOL!

No harm done but I ache all over. Richard cut the grass, front and back and tidied the edges and he made a wonderful job of it.
Freddie arrived by ambulance at 3.30pm. The man and woman with the ambulance said they don't often take people home to see a welcome like this! They inspected the garden and summerhouse, helping Freddie and he looked happy to be home. I was almost in tears as I went to the gate to thank them as they left.. I hardly believed this day would ever come.

So he's home safe and sound, doing his exercises  and I can't believe how much medication he's brought home and how much he has to take. So this morning he's had his pills, tea and porridge in bed where he's still having a lie in now.

Looks like being another hot one.
Have a great day everyone and thank you for all your messages and support.

Love and Hugs
June xxx

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Mail Art..

This is my Mail Art  piece for the Three Muses Challenge tomorrow.
I may be late getting around to visitting you all as DH is coming home and I shall
probably have lots to do.


She's obviously into music so perhaps a visit to the Conservatoire, Paris?

* * * * *

I had a little trip out this morning to buy a couple of Welcome Home helium balloons  and a banner to put on the gate.
I told you I was an old softie but he has been away 8 long weeks and I want to make
a little fuss of him. He can't wait to get home!

Monday 18 April 2011

The Peacock Lady..

Just having a doodle with some peacock feathers.

The Best News!! I've been to see Freddie this afternoon, had a chat with nursing staff
and he can come home on Wednesday!

Sunday 17 April 2011

TAW Challenge..Travel..

Deja vu...Come fly with me again.....!
Hope you like my Steampunk Travel Firm.

My Garden pictures..

Happy Sunday everyone!

All these pics were taken about an hour or so ago, so you can see how my garden is faring.
My Canary Bird is now full of blooms and looks a picture!
I have miniature fruit trees, a pear and a crab apple, both now full of blooms.
There's a couple of patches of bluebells which will surely spread.
The little daisy weed gently blooming.
My two lilac trees are showing their deep purple colour now.
And one view from the summerhouse where you can see the canary bird.
My neighbour opposite has an enormous Cherry blossom tree in her garden and I can see it as I sit here and type.  Full of pink flowers that look like candy floss.

And here as promised is my Summer House. I think you may be able to enlarge the pictures.
My legs and back were so tired as I took these pics so they are a bit wobbly!
You can see my pink dralon armchairs, the green curtains and what do you think of my old blanket chest on the back wall. It's very old and I painted and distressed it 30 odd years ago but the pink roses I painted on are still quite fresh looking.
The back wall has three of my canvasses on and three pictures my sister got me.
It also has a large rug you cannot see where you can scrunch you toes. I love bare feet in the garden.

Hope you've enjoyed the tour.
Love and Hugs
June xxx

Saturday 16 April 2011

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge..Song Title..

Look at this joyful couple!
Don't they just look as if they could fly away together...
Maybe float down to Peru...

SoArtful Saturday Challenge..Frida.

Out of all the photographs of her and self portraits she did, I chose these two Black and White
photographs. There was that something about them for me.
This woman had an extraordinary Lust for Life.

A Moment to Treasure..

This is for my 100 Themes Challenge...No.49 Stripes.
It's my beautiful Great Granddaughter Skyela. almost two.

Friday 15 April 2011

Leftover Lace..

Still in a lacy mode I made this. The pretty fairy is embroidered.

I have spent the whole morning with Freddie and it was lovely.
I managed to push him in a wheelchair down to the canteen for a coffee and a cheese scone, spread thickly with butter. (He needs fattening up!). The wheelchair was a great support for me. All the years he has pushed me around in my wheelchair, we never ever thought I would push him. I couldn't manage outside but in nice wide corridors I managed very well.
The Staff Nurse came in to redress his feet and leg. The long scar on his leg has healed at the top but the bottom for about 5 inches looks very nasty. She has sent away another swab.
He is feeling much stronger and I am so very thankful for that.

June xx

Thursday 14 April 2011

Look what's turned up!..

This has turned up on my granddaughter's Facebook page so I just had to
show you, to prove I really did have a slow 'sway' with my dear son holding me up!
 You can also see more of the dress and the shoes!
I went to see Freddie yesterday afternoon and he has a lovely room on the ground floor with a big window and lawn and trees and shrubs outside. A large TV on the wall opposite his bed and they are very pleased with him. He has lots of exercises to do. They even took him in a wheelchair to the dining room yesterday so it feels he's getting back to normality.
I am visitting him again this morning and meeting up there with his niece Jenny and her husband Keith.
He looks so very much better and they think there's no reason why he shouldn't come home soon.....
I'm crossing my fingers!
June xx


Wednesday 13 April 2011

Theme Thursday Challenge..Animal..

Theme Thursday Challenge is to use an animal in your picture.
Well I hope this starts your day with a big smile.
'Did you McClean your teeth today?'
Remember that old advert?

At last I have something else to smile about! Yesterday Freddie was moved from Norwich to Cromer for rehab. Not as close as originally planned as they had no beds but close enough for me to drive to alone.
I'm going to see him this afternoon and take him some clothes.
I feel like shouting Alleluia!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Key..

The Three Muses Challenge tomorrow is KEY.
I have put 5 in my collage.
I know, it's an old chestnut, the key to my heart but I'm just an old softie!
If you like the pretty background with the roses, music  and   birds, it's a freebie generously given
by June on her Dezinaworld blog. Free until Friday, do pop over and grab it while you can. Thank you June.
The lady and other elements were Googled.

Vintage Baby Love..

Just a vintage baby photograph I played with a few days ago.


The Summerhouse Story.

I mentioned a little time ago my sister Jackie was helping to make my old summerhouse look a little more glamorous inside, and we succeeded. But it was  rotten through and through and would need a lot of money spent on it  and it would still be old...
So I took the bull by the horns  (as I am apt to do) and ordered a new one.
Only ordered 6 days ago it arrived yesterday at 7.30am. And it was up and all finished by 9.30am.
It is this exact model, above.
Two very nice young Latvian men did the work and I have never seen anyone work so hard or so fast. They were brilliant and cleared up every trace of their work in the garden when they had finished.

So when everything is transferred and I acquire a few nails etc. to hang my canvasses I shall take some photos and show you.

Now we are just waiting (again) for a bed  for Freddie for rehab. This time it should be only 4 or 5 miles away so very easy to visit him.

Have a lovely day everyone,

Love and Hugs

Jun xxx

Monday 11 April 2011

Mother Nature

This is a collage I finished today for my 100 themes challenge.
My version of Mother Nature, No.22 in the challenge.
Images were Googled, the lady was black and white and I coloured her in Photoshop
with my mouse.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Take a Word Challenge..Lace..

Tomorrow, Monday is the Take a Word Challenge, hosted by Marie at the Three Muses.
The theme this week is LACE, chosen by me.
Thank you Marie for inviting me to be Guest Artist this week.
I sent her two collages and this is the one she chose.
I found the beautiful half doll on Google and made her a lace skirt courtesy of Photoshop.
In fact most of the images were Googled and the rest from my stash.
I hope you all enjoy the challenge this week.

June xx

Wow! What a night. From the picture above you'd think we were half drunk.
I assure you, I'd only just arrived and wanted my pic taken with the Birthday girl
before she was whisked away.
I sat with Stanley and Jen, and there they are dancing the night away later in the evening.
Skyela looked gorgeous in her long party frock and was obviously thirsty.

Some more family. Grandson Richard, Stanley and Sally looking rather hot!

I didn't get a chance to photograph Ashton, he was far too busy.
And of course I couldn't photograph myself having my slow dance with Richard and later Stanley,
both holding me up! My feet hurt, my back hurt, in fact I hurt all over but all forgotten
for the camera!

There were heaps of gorgeous food, followed by a great selection of cupcakes!
The disco was brilliant with all sorts of pretty coloured fairylights flickering around the room
but not really my kind of music and sooooo loud!
There were lots of children there with no tears or screams. They all seemed to like the music and rythyms and did there own thing on the dance floor. My little great niece Lauren was dancing all night!

I held out until 10.30pm. but I think it went on till midnight.
Everyone looked as though they had a great time. I've already told Freddie by phone all that happened.

So here I am this morning...still totally exhausted!

June xxx

SPA Dance..

Sunday Postcard Art have given the subject Dance.
I seem to have done several Dance collages lately,  so here is another one.
A bit different this time.
Dancing with the Dragon.
I love dragons and picture them as helpful, loving creatures.
Hope you like it.

Saturday 9 April 2011

My Poppies..

This a painting on porcelain I did many years ago. It hangs in my kitchen and always cheers me as I look at  it each day.The background in this picture is just for 'show', my kitchen walls are plain.
It has been fired many times to get the depth of colour. Red is always a funny colour for china painters. If you fire too high it sometimes comes out brown! (Ask me how I know that!!)

My Sally has just been to have a coffee with me before starting her work. Today is my beautiful Granddaughter Rebecca's 30th. Birthday. Speaking to her on the phone this morning and the gorgeous sunshine has lifted my spirits and I'm feeling much better, though still very painful.
She is having a party tonight and I shall be taking myself. Freddie is so disappointed to miss it. He thought he would be home by now...
I still haven't decided what to wear, or what to put on my painful toes!
So I shall put on some glad rags, apply the old Polyfilla and paint, wear the crown jewels and take off.
I shall see lots of people I know which will be nice for me and I'll probably stay until the disco gets so loud I can't stand it any longer!
tell you all about it tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone,
June xxx

Friday 8 April 2011


This is the collage I've done for 100 Themes Challenge,
No. 82 Dance.
You can almost imagine it's Victoria with her Albert
twirling around the dance floor, a waltz, of course!

Dream of Joy..

Yesterday I didn't put anything on here. It's most unusual for me to miss a day. I had to organise myself in the morning to visit the surgery for my medication, the post office for the pension and a few etceteras I had to do.  The sun had brought on a Lupus flare and I felt awful. I still had to prepare food for my dog and see to his needs and find something to eat for myself. I was totally exhausted so rested as much as I could. Then I had a nice young man come to see the garden and he's coming soon to cut the grass but it's only temporary as he's so busy.

Then Freddie rang to say they have suggested rehab for him so coming home next week has flown out the window. Yes I know, my sensible side tells me of course he needs it but a disappointment for both him and me.
Today I am counting my blessings, which are many! I was given a little book 'Encouragement Changes Everything' so I've had a little browse and found this.

Encourage Yourself

Don't let yourself

Worry when you're doing your best.
Hurry when success depends on accuracy.
Think evil of anyone till you have the facts.
Believe a thing is impossible without trying it.
Waste time on trivial matters.
Imagine that good intentions are a satisfactory excuse.
Harbour bitterness toward God or person.

John C. Maxwell

So today I am dwelling on these thoughts and hope I feel a little stronger. I have been managing alone now almost 7 weeks......so Upwards and Onwards.

June xxx

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Three Muses Challenge..Victorian Elegance..

Here is my Collage for this weeks Three Muses Challenge..Victorian Elegance.
My haughty lady is surrounded with her sparkling paste brooches, her scented note cards, and a feather from her peacock feather fan. To me she is the epitomy of Victorian elegance.
We tend to think of this sort of romantic image of Victorians. Unfortunately there was another side to the coin, with extreme poverty, terrible working conditions and child labour. Just read Charles Dickens.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Butterfly Girl..

This afternoon I've been to the garage for petrol as John is driving us in my car to Norwich this evening to see Freddie. He has seen his Consultant and asked if he could go home by Saturday. But she said they'll keep him in a bit longer, perhaps over the weekend.
'Knowing how your wife is, we want to get you a bit stronger'.
So it's my fault he can't come home yet!!

So I made this little Butterfly girl this afternoon. The pretty background is by Astrid. Thank you so much Astrid. The elements are by Idgie and the little girl from my collection. I hope you like her.

My Garden..

Today I thought I'd show you a few pics of my garden. These are just some of the shrubs that are in flower at the moment, with lots more in bud to flower later. The Forsythia and Daphne are now going over but there is no perfume to compare with Daphne!
The bulbs have been flowering and give you such a welcome splash of colour, first the snowdrops, then the daffodillies and tulips. I used to have lots of crocus but the birds ate them!

Freddie loves his garden and it was always immaculate but sadly the grass has now got lots of weeds and moss showing and I think I really must get someone to come and see to it. The grandchildren have trimmed and cut the grass so far but now with work commitments they have no time.
Unfortunately if you dont give a garden regular care, nature can soon send it wild!

We've had some welcome rain in the night but now it is clearing.
Wishing you all a happy garden full of Spring blossom.

June xxx