Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 31 July 2010

Grandma's Crazy Quilt

I love to see a crazy quilt, all the myriad scraps and colours. What memories do they evoke?
Was this a piece of Auntie Maud's favourite dress? Look! there's a piece of Freda's dress she wore to her first dance.  That piece there was Grandma's best apron......
That was the thought behind this picture.


The week is drawing to a close. It's been quite an eventful one for me. I made time to make some pictures for Dezinaworld which I showed on here yesterday and enjoyed that.

My scooter packed up and was taken away to 'hospital' to see what was wrong. You've guessed it, the main running part was broken and it is going to cost £400 to replace the part, plus Labour. I have never paid that much to replace anything on a car!

I led our Prayer Service in the Chapel on Thursday and everyone appreciated the little texts I had made for them. I enjoyed that too.

Today my dearest son and DIL came over and we have been to a local hotel for lunch. A lovely relaxing time, catching up with all their doings and showing off a couple of my books.

This little poem spoke to me......


I love the early morning, when everything is still.
When every hour belongs to me and I do as I will.

These special hours are precious, for they are just for me,
To take and use them for myself , to create and to be free.

The waking day surrounds me and folds me in calm wings,
And gives me all the strength I need, to face what each day brings   
                                             Chrissy Greenslade

I am always awake and up very early and often this quiet time is for me the best part of the day.

Dark Whisper Challenge

Kimmie set us a challenge to combine two photographs.
A girl with long flowing hair
and a tree with lots of roots.
Here is my effort, many layers, and a pretty border.
I liked the finished result.

Friday 30 July 2010

Favourite Word

Cindy over at I owe it all to Him has asked us to post our favourite word this weekend. Here's mine and a picture that says it all.
I love the sound of the word, and it's meaning to me is peace, love and calm.
I can breathe it in as I think of that word...Tranquillity......

Thursday 29 July 2010


Dezinaworld has some new pages out today, a Collage Rectangle Set.

So these  are the first pictures I have made for June. Click on her Logo on the sidebar to see the new set.

I hope these pics will give you a few ideas.

Just a couple for you today..

Gasmask Annie.

I think she's the cousin of Annie get your Gun!

Just playing..

The little sweetie in the corner is me!
Everyone say 'Aaaaaahhhhh!! LOL!!

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Three Muses Challenge.

Meet the Family
This is my creation for the Three Muses Challenge this week..Odd Birds.
I think this is a  right Royal family!


My Post has just arrived

I must tell you what my postman has just delivered. A brown packet covered with pretty papers and loads of stick on images. I held it in my hand completely in awe and scared to open it in case I damaged the contents. All the way from Delaware to my home in Norfolk UK.

I did manage to open it and inside was a Treasure Trove. It was from my dear friend Stephanie and she called it My Emergency Happiness Care Package. I am at a loss for words. What a dear, loving friend she is. She knew I had not been feeling well and it was designed to lift my spirits. I tell you, everyone should have one.
There were cards, notes, and loads of ATC's. All made with her own beautiful artwork and uplifting words. I am feeling so much better but this, this has lifted me beyond measure.

Please go and visit her at http://www.joyuslion.com/ and see the fab art she creates.
She is a beautiful person with a wondrous heart!
Thank you again dear Steph,

They're Off

Another little fantasy, this time with a jockey.


Friendship is a garland embracing all mankind,
It's woven with affection, with willing heart and mind.
It's twined with love and kindness and care for common need,
It shines with all the colours of every race and creed.
So let us strive together to bind it strong and sure,
And keep the garland glowing,
          To last for ever more

Margaret Ingall

I send my love and friendship to everyone of you.
June xx


Just a smile

A friend sent me some hilarious pics of door mats,
This one really gave me big smile!
My husband had a hospital appointment yesterday, so wanting to catch the post I had to go myself. It's rather an effort and I was going on my buggy....but it seems to have gone CAPUT! The battery is showing fully charged so it's not that. Himself is going to have another look today as it's a great miss for me.

So the parcel I posted yesterday has arrived and I received an excited phone call from my dear Coz. I had another copy printed of my Heritage book and as lot of my family history is also his, he said he'd like one. I am so glad he is as pleased as I was when I first opened mine.

I have to finish preparing today as I am leading our prayer group in the Chapel on Thursday. Today I must laminate some little texts I made for them.

All Aboard

This poor little chap looks so uncomfortable,
I haven't got words....

A Daisy a day..

This little dog's face looks just like my Corey but I'm quite sure
he wouldn't let me dress him up like a daisy....
or any other flower! LOL!

Monday 26 July 2010

Digital Whisper Challenge

The picture this week was this beautiful lagoon with waterfalls in the background.
I just thought a horse would love to stand in the water and cool his hooves....
So this is my Challenge Pic.
This is the cover and a page from an altered cd book.
Scroll down for some more pics.

Altered Books..

This is the front and back cover of one I made.
I went to Chapel last night as usual. The visitting minister has the surname as me although there is no relation. I've been told our surname is quite common around these parts!!
David is a lovely man and he has undergone a lot of surgery since we saw him last. Lovely to see him back on the circuit.

I told you I was not afraid of spiders, well one really made me jump this morning. My desk is not the tidiest, I have a pile (2 actually) of papers in front of me and as I moved one, this fat spider darted out and ran to the back of my desk. He was about as big as my thumbnail but rather well built! I expect he lives behind my desk and just came over to investigate all these papers!
I did say Good Morning to him but there was no reply...........

I thought I'd show you some pages from just a couple of altered books I've made in the past.
I've got a huge shelf full!

Altered cd rom book

It's hard to scan something lumpy and bumpy so please excuse.
And this was a very bumpy book!
The altered cd's were placed on the right hand page.
The facing pages all had little quotes and sayings
and were fairly plain.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Thank You

I had to stop and say Thank You to all my wonderful Online friends, and I have made so many!
To those who follow my blog...and to all those who regularly leave me such wonderful comments on my work. This creative world is so caring, friendly and supportive and it's like being in a large, happy family. How Special you all are!

And now June on Dezinaworld ( http://dezinaworld.blogspot.com/) has invited me to be on her Creative Team. She has such beautiful images and collage sheets, you must have a peek.
I cannot begin to express how much this has pleased me and so lifted my spirits. I only hope I can do justice to her lovely work. Thank you again June! And Thank you to Chris who has recommended me. You're a doll!

So I'm sending love and hugs and wishing you all a blessed and beautiful Sunday.
June xxxxx

Another sweetie..

Another well dressed and beautiful child
but I couldn't believe her short hair cut!

Hold my hand..

I always fall in love with gorgeous photos of Victorian and Edwardian children
and couldn't resist this sweetie with her doll.
She just looked as if you could hold her hand.....

Friday 23 July 2010

Art Creatiions Friday Challenge

Art Creations Friday gave us this picture of a gorgeous little boy in a velvet suit and lace collar, I think it was in Ellen's family. I decided to to do a portrait format in delicate lace frame and coloured him. Thank you for this lovely picture, I enjoyed playing with it.

How much longer?

Again and again, I like millions more, weep as we see our brave servicemen brought home.
The good folks of Wootton Basset, close to RAF Lyneham, turn out once more  to line their streets and pay their respects. God bless them and all the families who grieve.

The life that I have is all that I have
And the life that I have is yours.

The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause.
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours.

Leo Marks

Thursday 22 July 2010


I found a tiny snapshot of my dearest Mother, taken by my Father
before they were married.
She looks so happy and I made this piece of whimsy.

All pretty things....

Simple Things

When a Malaysian visitor first arrived in England she was struck by the beauty of the flowers growing on the banks as she approached a large town during a long train journey.
Coming from a country where flowers wilted all too soon, she thought she had never seen anything so fresh and beautiful.
The flowers she admired were in fact dandelions and daisies and she was horrified to learn we think of them as weeds!

It reminds me of Rudyard Kipling who wrote 'Give us delight in simple things'.
While Maria in 'The Sound of Music' sang some of her favourite things......

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens.
Brown paper packages tied up with strings,
These are a few of my favourite things.....

And to add one more quotation to this list the prayer of George Herbert....

Thou who hast given  so much to me, give one thing more..
A grateful heart.

One of my favourite things at the moment is the gorgeous pure white orchid on my kitchen windowsill.
My Granddaughter gave it me for my birthday and every day I look at the many, many blooms and think of how much I have to be thankful for.

I risked the dark, heavy clouds looming and went to Chapel this morning on my scooter. I took my Family Heritage book with me to show my  friend Mary. I couldn't believe the interest it aroused. We chatted afterwards with coffee and choccy biscuits as it was passed around the room.
I am so glad I made it and hope it will be handed down through the family.

Was he brought by the stork or is that a butcher's hook?

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Another challenge

Such a gorgeous photo given us by Kimmie for her Digital Whispers Blog Challenge.
It's a pity to cover it but I used it as a background.
I love Peacocks but they are very destructive.
Years ago one came into my garden and all the neighbours joined me to watch it through a window.
It went round cutting all my flower heads off with it's beak and just left the stalks!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Postal Art Challenge

The Challenge this week at Three Muses was Postal Art.
Here is my contribution.

Inside Out

Saw this sad little face and this is what the Muse dreamed up.


Well you could knock me down with a feather as the saying goes.

It seems I have One Lovely Blog Award.
This was sent by *Crystal Mary Lindsey*.
Do visit and enjoy her blog, she is such a warm and lovely lady.
Apparently I have to send this on to 7 others and list 7 things about me. I am quite at a loss for words

If you are still with me I'll try to find 7 things about me that you may not know already.

1.  I'm an animal lover, especially little dogs. I have owned and bred Chihuahuas and they've been in my life for over 40 years.

2. I've been married twice and my ex husband is my stepbrother and dear friend.

3.  I have a love/hate relationship with chocolate!

4.  I love all sorts of music and used to work the county circuit as a singer. Often playing and         singing   songs I've written.

5.  I'm not afraid of spiders!

6.  My family are the most important things in my life.

7.  I won medals for Ballroom dancing and wish I was not stuck in a wheelchair so I could still dance!

That sounds to me greatly like tooting my own horn but off the top of my head that's all I can think of for the moment.

Sending hugs to everyone
June xx
I know everyone is so busy but I do hope these lovely people will accept this award from me.
It's so hard to choose as there are such fantastic blogs out there but I'll bite the bullet and in no special order...here goes...

1.  Cindy Adkins. Her blog ...I owe it all to Him. A wonderful spot.

2.  Marie in Oz.. http://ozstuff-ozstuff.blogspot.com/

3.  Faye.. http://fayesblog.blogspot.com/

4.  William..my blog angel on Capt. Billizetti's World. He always makes me smile.

5.    Jan DeBellis...A Journey. I love her Teapot Tuesday's.

6.  Patti Koosed.. Treasure Barn. Another dear friend.

7.  Stephanie aka Joyouslion...Daily Inspirations.

I'm sorry I'm not clever enough to give all their details properly but I'm sure you'll find them and love their work, they are all inspirations to me.


With this and the following picture I seem to have been on
a Music Theme yesterday.

I loved the image so much Kimmie gave us I made another picture with her
and called it Spring Song.


I was having a look at Jan De Bellis' blog this morning A Journey. She had posted about camping and included a photo of some fancy camping teapots, great fun.
It reminded me of my great camping adventure, many years ago.
We were a large, mixed party.....myself and my husband, my daughter, my son and his fiance, my sister and her husband and my new Chihuahua puppy Chloe.

My brother-in-law and I shared the driving, going from Norfolk, up through Yorkshire and into Scotland where we explored many wonderful places, including spending a day on the Isle of Skye.
We spent time in the Lake District coming back, finishing up in Wales for a few days, before getting home.
I remember crossing a rope bridge across a gorge, holding on tightly to the rope and Chloe! We hiked up small mountains and hills, all breathtaking scenery to us all who are used to flattish Norfolk.

The girls slept in the van and the rest of us in a large tent which of course had to be erected every night in a different place. My little puppy thoroughly enjoyed her freedom, finding dried up sheep droppings  and bringing them into the tent to place tenderly on my brother-in-law's pillow as a present.
I can remember his expression......like Queen Victoria he was not amused.

Great fun and many happy memories.

Find a cool place

We all wish we could do this with the heatwave we're having!

Monday 19 July 2010

Another take on Paris

DW Challenge

This weeks Challenge on Digital Whisper Kimmie gave us this lovely photo. A Flower Girl.
She was so pretty.