Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 28 January 2013


 A very nice challenge this week on Take a Word.
I made mine an old book of recipes, added a few bits of Victorian kitchen ware,
'someone's' old grandmother and Voila!
I'm looking forward to seeing what others have come up with on Take a Word.
Thanks so much for looking.

Thank you too for your good wishes to Sally. She is up and on her feet but still feeling tender.
Thank goodness our snow has gone after much rain.
Son One has had so much rain and his garden is on clay, he is absolutely flooded and his garden looks like a lake.
Well they say it never rains but it pours!!
Take care all of you,
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Judy said...

A real vintage piece, June, great collection of kitchen items and a lovely old Granny!
(Found Monty on the road yesterday EATING a dead rabbit (road kill) covered in flies - UGH!!)

Yvonne said...

Love the addition of the Victorian ware, June!

Sim said...

Nice pic and wondeful memories dear June!

johanna said...

what an awesome old book, with illustrations even! beautiful collage!

mary.kg said...

Très charmant collage de style ancien ! j'aime beaucoup !
Passez une bonne journée June ! Amitiés Mary.kg

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

You've wonderful elements combined, love this very much.

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

A lovely vintage piece, June! Hope you all stay warm and dry...We're having freezing rain here today..

Faye said...

Love granny and her recipe book along with all the vintage kitchen items. Beautiful collage, June. Thanks for visiting. I hope you are doing well and staying warm.

Taluula said...

A lovely vintage piece, June. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this, June. I have a copper kettle just like that! Our weather will be warmer this week, hope yours is, too.xx

Deann said...

Wasn't this a lovely challenge June and you did your usual bang up job very pretty. I'm glad to hear that Sally is doing better. I think we are cussing the weather all over the world it seems to have gone completely out of whack, we haven't had normal weather for several years. I hope yours improves...keep warm my dear and have a happy week!

indybev said...

Great page, June. Is it just me or does this grandma look just like Martha Washington? lol I tried to read the recipe, but could not. Wish I could!

Sophie said...

Ach wie süß, mit diesen vielen Küchenutensilien...
Sieht klasse aus.

Bärbel said...

Großmutters Rezeptbuch mit vielen schönen Küchengegenständen, eine wunderschöne Seite, June!
Liebe Grüße.

Bill said...

This makes me think of my Grandmother's apple pie. I sure wish I could have a piece right now. Wonderful collage!