Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 18 January 2013

Freezing Friday

This is a wonderful quote and you often find it's quite true.
The window may not always be what you expect but it's there!

Bubbles and Butterflies and dreams of Spring.

I hope these pictures cheer you on a cold January day.
Things are about the same here and we are all holding our breath
to see if any more snow comes.
Algie thinks it's fun to watch it snowing. He stands on the back of the settee with 
his front feet on the window sill barking happily and watching the birds.
I haven't been able to go out on the scooter so he has missed his walks.
At the moment he's knocking four bells out of his reindeer!
I wish I was young enough and fit enough to go out and play snowballs!

I did get yesterday's post today! Hooray!

Take care if you have to go out,
Keep warm and big hugs,

June xxxx


Celestina Marie said...

Hi June, Sounds like you are truly in the midst of winter. We had cold and snow here in Texas which is rare. It lasted a day and was pretty to see for a little bit.
Your precious Algie sounds delightful watching the snow and birdies. It's so entertaining to watch their reaction to weather.

Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm.
Hugs and Blessings, Celestina Marie

Analia Cristina said...

Hi dear,I'm a grandmother too(make we a club?haha!)This is a beautiful picture,you are creative,delicious work!A cordial greeting from Italy!

Bärbel said...

Ein wunderschönes Bild, June!
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende und dass das Wetter es bald wieder besser mit uns meint.
Liebe Grüße.

AppleApricot Wen said...

Wow, these are gorgeous, June! I really love the little detail of the flowers in the bubble. Very pretty. And your message is so true, I've found it to be true so many times. Thank you for sharing that beautiful quote. And thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, June!

Hugs, Wendy

Brenda Brown said...

I love the sentiment June, so true and your two pieces today are gorgeous.
We've had about 4 inches of snow today. The cats wouldn't go out until this evening and then only for 5 minutes. Such a lazy day for them, but more crafting time for me lol. I had a fabulous mental picture of Algie as you described him watching the snow, what fun.
Have a great weekend.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Pat said...

You must have a lot of snow then, June. We've only had a light dusting, a bit like someone has used the icing sugar sprinkler on us. Missy's still being walked in it.

Love your two artworks, btw xx

Unknown said...

Oh the sheer serenity of this post June, the quote is oh so true and when you've reached a certain age and have had more life experience you certainly know that it really works this way in life. Your collage is beautiful! Have a great weekend, hugs, Ira x

Bill said...

It definitely isn't spring here. The wind chill is suppose to be - 6 tomorrow. I hope God keeps the windows closed for a while. :)