Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 5 January 2013

I'm in trouble!

Can anyone help me please??
I am still unable to load photos here on Blogger from my up to date pictures on the PC.
There used to be a line saying  Upload from your computer etc.
Now it says Upload from Picasa
and I don't put my pics there.  Should I have too?
This is so frustrating.
Does anyone have the answer?
So here's an oldie again....sorry.
Well I was in trouble yesterday too and I had a real scare.
I was taking Algie for his walk as usual, me on the scooter and he trotting beside me.
We were coming back along the quayside when all  of a sudden I had the lead in my hand but no Algie on the end of it. His collar had broken and he was off!
I had no crutches with me and couldn't run anyway but fortunately he made for a group of very friendly people who picked him up for me. I was so thankful that he didn't run into the road.
He thought it a great adventure and sat happily on my lap for the rest of the ride home!
So today I managed to get him into a new harness, still slightly too big but he was safe
and we had our walk OK.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Kathyk said...

You are sooooo not alone - I've not been able to upload photos in the conventional way for days. I've been uploding my photos in to a forum post on craftbubble and then simply copying and pasting in to blogger! I know of half a dozen other bloggers with the same issues!

Happy New Year


Nancy said...

Happy Saturday June! So glad Algie didn't go too far on his grand adventure! I'm also having trouble uploading pictures - the only way it's working for me is to click over to the html tab and upload them from there. Then I go back to the normal compose tab and finish my post. Hope this will work for you as well!
Nancy xx :D

Analia Cristina said...

You are a beautiful works!greetings!

mary.kg said...

Bonjour June ! désolée également , j'ai le même problème que vous pour mettre mes photos sur mon blog .... j'ai essayé plusieurs choses , mais mes connaissances ne sont pas très étendues en la matière... Alors je suis comme vous désolée ....
Algie , a voulu faire connaissance avec le vaste monde tout seul !!! je comprends votre émotion heureusement que des personnes aimables vous ont aidée , la promenade s'est bien terminée heureusement!
Amitiés et bonne soirée !

cheryl said...

oh hun know how you feel as I had it happen with Alice and Alfie the leads,broke,well it was the collars on both,of them,so know how scarey it is Alfie came back but alice oh my had to run after her,and like you terrified she would run onto the road,I am okay with my photos,hun at the moment anyway,love this,collage hun perfection,hugs Cherylxxxxx

Jane said...

Dear Junibear, I would like to help you with the problem, but have no idea how to, hope it will never happen to me as I wouldn't know what to do . Glad all went well Algie ! Have a nice Sunday .

sirkkis said...

My solution to the problem was to load first the pictures in Picasa to the net album. Then works wel.
Have a nice weekend xx

Linda Gibbons said...

Me too, June! Blogger says is knows about the problem and is working on it...[sigh]

Sophie said...

Ach, Juni,
ich komme mit den Kommentaren garnicht hinterher, so viel arbeitest du.
Es gibt wieder so viele wunderschöne Dinge auf deinem Blog, da kann ich nur gratulieren.

Herzlichst Sophie

Bill said...

Oh my word! I'm so glad Algie is safe and sound. We need a gentle, beautiful picture like this one after your harrowing adventure!