Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 17 April 2010

My sister Jackie took me out this afternoon in her car. We had an 'adventure!' Starting off with a quiet country lane where her little dogs could have a free run in the sunshine, always racing ahead. Then she found a bank full of juicy dandelions, where she picked a bag full for her tortoises. They have all just come out of hibernation, even the baby one hibernated for 3 weeks!

Then we drove to an industrial site and looked around a large warehouse of furniture, trying out the comfy armchairs, sitting on the beds and pretending we had a whole house to furnish!
I said I would love to see the sea so she drove down a beach road, parked the car and with my crutches sinking into the stones I managed to climb a shingle bank. I got to the top and that's the nearest I've been to the sea for ages. Lovely to smell the salt air and watch the gulls.

An ice cream cone in front of the duck pond and safely home  again, tired out.

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My dear friend Stephanie (Joyuslion) has graciously given her permission for me to show you her digital art. She makes the most beautiful pictures and often adds a quote or poem. I love this  poem called Widening Rings by Rainer Maria Rilke .  Thank you so much Stephanie. You've made a beautiful job.
                                   Please enjoy..........

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