Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Here's another of my original digital artworks.
Dancing in Old Vienna.

I loved dancing. My husband and I used to go dancing every Saturday night. Then several years ago my sweet friend Anne and her husband announced they were starting dancing lessons so they could dance 'properly'. Even Anne's Mum and Dad joined.
This sounded great to me so I talked my husband into going too. A wonderful Tuesday night treat and social evening and over the next year or two we took examinations.
I surprised myself by attaining Bronze, Silver and Gold medals in Ballroom and Latin American dancing and one year I held a Silver cup for highest marks in Latin American.
Oh to be able to do that now but at least I did it. I have the memories and the certificates and medals to prove it even though now it seems a far off dream, another time, another life almost.

A few years later my lovely friend Anne lost her only daughter. And hardly a whisper later she found she had Cancer. It was so hard losing her.........

The ideals that have lighted my way and time after time have given me
new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty and Truth.

Albert Einstein


Bill said...

Your blog is wonderful! I'll bookmark it so I can keep coming back.

By the way, I think ballroom dancing is so beautiful! I use to dance a lot in my early 20's, and even took some lessons at Arthur Murray's. Unfortunately, the girl I took lessons with is not the girl I married, and my wife has always been so self-conscience when we dance that she can't handle the beautiful moves. Oh well.

I'm so sorry about your friend. Cancer is so horrible. We have lost several friends to cancer, and my wife had breast cancer. She has cancer markers in her lungs now, so it could come back at any time.

Junibears said...

Thank you so much for visitting Bill.
I'm sorry too about your wife. We just have to live one day at a time and try to be thankful for what we have.
Big Hugs
June xx

Veronica said...

This is fabulous June - I am now a follower and will keep coming back xxxxxxxxx

Susan said...

Good for you, June! I will look forward to checking in on you each day! I love to read my friend's blogs, especially those who share our love for digital art! It is such a great way to get to know everyone on a deeper level. Thank you for the invitation!

Junibears said...

Thank you so much for visitting.
Big Hugs
June xx