Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 18 August 2013

Gwendoline and Guinevere..

I always make pictures to please me and these were made with beautiful images of ladies found on Google. The background is obviously Guinevere on one and I liked the name Gwendoline on the other. So I thought they'd make a nice pair!
Well the weeks roll around and it is Sunday again. The village is jam packed with visitors and children. When I go out with Algie we often have to stop to let children pet him. And he loves the fuss. He had his booster inoculation this week and it really played him up. He whinnied and cried and finally he slept for 13 hours. He looked poorly the next day but now he is back in business, as they say!
My sister is progressing well, recovering slowly but getting there. I am still so worried about John, my son-in-law. His back is so bad now he can't sit or stand. A peculiar system we have when it's just a waiting game to see what they come up with next! Sigh.....
Well I don't mean this to be depressing! I send healing thoughts to all those of you who are suffering in some way, mentally or physically.
Just enjoy the day!
Love and hugs
June xxx


Deann said...

Enjoying more of your lovely artwork.
Sorry for your woes sometimes life gets unbearable it's like my Dad used to say "Life is a sewer sandwich with no bread and everyday I have to take a bite." I wish there was something more I could do but I'm send my wishes and prayers your way.

Anonymous said...

I could just stare at your art for hours, Miss June. These are breathtaking.

Your sweet Algie is a champ! I'm happy to hear your sister is improving and sorry to hear of your son-in-law. I think our bodies should have been made a bit sturdier, (particularly mine). ;-) Hugs, Mina

Christine said...

Lovely collages. Hope you son-in-law is better by now.