Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 8 August 2013

Not My Day...

Here are a couple of works I did for an Altered Art challenge for Digitalmania on Flickr.
Sometimes their challenges are demanding and totally out of my comfort zone
but this is the sort of thing I love doing.
Hope you like them.
* * *
Well I've been to Chapel this morning and taken Algie. He just knows when it's time for the little service; a hymn, a reading and a few prayers. There's no wriggling in my arms, just quiet and he listens. How amazing is that!
When we got home I expected my groceries to have been delivered.
'No' said Freddie. 'They're not coming!'
So on the phone I get to see what's up. My credit card has been compromised and they wouldn't accept it. So next I ring the credit card company. Yes, this is the third time this year I have had to have a new credit card, with all the rigmarole of changing details on various sites I shop with.
The new card won't arrive until Monday and my cupboard is bare!
Still I have bigger worries......my dear son-in-law John is abed under doctor's orders.
Awaiting results of a scan to his back. He's been pushing and pushing himself for months and looks ill with so much pain.
My son moved something in the garden which 'turned round and bit him' and nearly took his arm off.
My Grandson fell off a stepladder which collapsed under him and he was lucky he 'only' got deep scratches and gouges on his leg.
So I am thankful today for small mercies........
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Linda said...

Oh June,

So sorry for everything that is going on! I sincerely hope your world gets better! Hope your son, brother in law and grandson all get well! Hope you get the credit card problems fixed! Beautiful collages by the way! XO hugs from me! Linda

Marfi-topia said...

Oh June!
keep your spirits up.
hope everyone feels better very soon!!

your kitty art is great:)

Bill said...

What a horrible day! The next thing you know Algie will be eating one of your slippers. No, not really. He sounds like he's much too mannered to do something like that. I bet he might chase one of those cats in your kitty pictures, though. As always, your cat collages put a smile on my face.

Jester said...

This piece made me smile.
Sorry to hear of all families worries. Jx