Three Muses Challenge this week is Glass Jar.
If I think of a glass jar I picture something in it, usually in the
mystical category.
This time I put a tiny alien creature in the jar.
What would she think at the sight of that little green creature?
I bet the first thing would be 'I shall have to make him some clothes!'
Thank you for looking and
have a happy day. xx
Maybe she is thinking that she must try to kiss him and see...? :)
Your entry is so cute and so different!
Bravo June!!
Too funny June!
You post a comment on my blog during I post one on yours! ;)
What a sweet face on your image, June, love your idea of the alien in the jar, fun piece!
OHhhh how sweet is the little green man and I love her expression
Hilarious, June. You have quite an imagination! I agree. She is thinking of getting him some clothes.
he he just adore this hun you have a brilliant imagination super piece of art hun hugs cherylxxxx
I love the little red-headed girl and your green alien looks very much at home in his world of glass! Great take on this week's theme, June. Whimsical and wonderful.
Just perfectly wonderful! What a great fantasy story that would be!
Actually, I think he's wearing a little green spandex suit --- either that, or he is missing some parts! Great fun, June.
Laughing at Bev's comment...
This is sweet and very creative, June.
So sweet and funny and whimsical...I love it...great job!!!
Yes, I'm with Bev, I think he is already wearing something nice in green. Great fun June.
Bev's comment is indeed hilarious !!
And you've made a magnificent contribution !!
It made me smile June.
Great idea, a wonderful picture.
Maybe that sweet face and subtle smiles means she's sympathizing with the poor green creature who clearly is "missing some parts".
June this made me smile. I just love it !
Big hugs to you
:) Thanks for the smile on my face. Looks fabulous.
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