Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 29 October 2011

Dezinaword..Angel Faces..

These are three collages I have designed for June over at Dezinaworld. Her beautiful Angel Faces set. How can anyone resist these gorgeous vintage images of children?
June is struggling with serious family health issues and deserves our support and prayers at this time. Please do pop over and see her lovely Angel Faces and the gorgeous designs her other CT designers have made.


Bill said...

Beautifully angelic indeed!

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Each and every one filled with beauty.

Miss Hillbilly said...

VEry angelic!