Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 1 October 2011

More Zetti!

Here are a couple more Zetti pieces I did for the challenge,
 'in the style of'  Teesha Moore.
Some Zetti pieces do not appeal to me at all but I found I
enjoyed doing these. I think I must have my own style! LOL!

The sun is still shining here and it is HOT!

I hope everything is as well as it can be in your world.
Happy Saturday
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Bill said...

Love live Queen June of Zettiland! Fantastic pics!

It's 53 degrees here with a pretty strong wind blowing. But at least the sun has come out. Yay! We've had days of rain, which is ridiculously depressing. Tonight it's suppose to go down to 39. Those mosquitoes that have pestered us unmercifully all summer should be gone!

Judy said...

4 Zetti pieces, wow, they are fabulous, June, love them all!
Enjoy the sun!

Anonymous said...

Your Zetti art is wonderful, June, and NO I will not get tired of it. The musical mermaid is super fantastical!

pchickki said...

Very interesting June
Lots of work here !