Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 27 June 2011

Take a Word Challenge..Beach..

I'm a bit late posting....my server was down and it has put me behind in everything!

Here's my challenge for the TAW beach challenge.
My Grandmother's name was Ethel and she would have laughed at this.
Hope it gives you a smile.


bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

June, I just laughed so loud you probably heard me across the pond! Such a fun piece. What a view those ladies have...

Ana Cristina Caldatto said...
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Ana Cristina Caldatto said...
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Ana Cristina Caldatto said...

uauu Formidavel .. fantastica sua escolha de imagem, divertida e maravilha de praia linda ... de apreciar!
voce fez feliz observação.. parabéns!
sua avó com certeza iria rir muito!
Desejo melhoras rapida parágrafo SUA boca!

Linda Gibbons said...

This is too funny, June!

Anonymous said...

So funny, June!

Jester said...

This is hilarious, June! Such fun!

indybev said...

This is such a hoot, June! I want to share it with all my friends, as we can identify. lol
Thanks for sharing it with us!

Bill said...

Why you little devil! I see you peeking from behind one of those chairs.

Christine said...

I'd say your grandmother was a very very clever lady! What a view!
Dear June, when you are sweet, you are great, but when you are funny, you are even better :D

Glenys said...

Sorry it has been so long since I have commented on your work, so I came to visit ... truly inspirational and a delight to behold! I will be away for a month and know that there will be more waiting for me when I return... you inspire me greatly!

Taluula said...

June, this is absolutely hilarious. Where did you find those fantastic ladies?

Lori Saul said...

Ah the views are really amazing at the beach aren't they- love your sassy humor here June!

Kaylene said...

That is too funny for words, love those ladies.

"MOI" Freubel said...

Whahaaaahaa....This is sooooo funny !!
My kind of stuff June !!

Judy said...

Worth waiting for, June, brightened my day, love the humour, a typical English 'wish you were here' card! Take a bow June this is brilliant!!

suzeeez said...

HaHa ! Too cute ....love that row of ladies .lol