Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 26 June 2011

Dear Old Pals..

When I saw these boys it immediately brought to mind Friendship.
How wonderful is Friendship. Some friends drift in and out of
our lives, some stay a while, for a reason or a season as they say.
Some it seems we've known all our lives and we keep in touch wherever they go.
The world has got smaller, with travel and communications.
So now we can add internet friends. Some we feel as if we've known forever too. We can share joys and heartbreak. It's amazing how we suddenly have a rapport with someone we have never met and are probably never likely to.
So I dedicate this collage to my wonderful internet friends.
You have all brought a richness to my life.
It's my greatest pleasure to 'know' you all.

So I say God Bless, Thank you
and have a wonderful Sunday. xxxx


cheryl said...

oh june hun this is brilliant oh love this to bits,so glad that you are one of my,online,and personal friends hun you really are one amazing artist and a lovely lady too,love hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

From the Kitchen said...

Thank you, June! I am so amazed at the wonderful friends I've made through blogging!!


Deann said...

June you are such a fun lady and such a sweetie you make it a joy to stop by to say hi and peek at your lovely artwork...you are an inspiration and a fantastic blog friend!!!

Carolyn said...

June, how true. My internet friends are some of my most cherished. I have been in contact with many of them for over ten years through a common bond -- art. You said it best! It is a small world and blogs and art groups have brought us all closer together.

Bill said...

That is a precious picture! I'm so glad to have my Internet friends like you, too. Actually, Grannie Annie and Carolyn aren't too bad, either. :O)

Faye said...

June, I loved your post today. My friends here who don't do internet think I'm a bit nuts when I ask them to pray for one of my internet friends. (One advantage of being the facilitator in my Bible study is that I am in charge and can lead the prayer.) Like you, I've made some pretty strong attachments via the net. Your art here is just perfect for friendship. I love the two fellows you've used.

Brenda Brown said...

Friends indeed, thankyou June. I am slowly meeting some of my internet friends and it seems I will meet one on Friday. It is sooo special.
I love this piece and your sentiment behind it.
Have a good week.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

deb said...

June as I have said before...the friends I have made here online have greatly enriched my life. Starting with you! You said hello on Teddy Talk one day and I answered. The talent you have shared ..the times you have "listened" when I needed a friend..the shared humor! Where did you get Bill by the way? Nice party at his place but i still dont really get Zetti!

Anonymous said...

Great work June. I thought i would let you know its your feature day on Dezinaworld today ... hope you like it. you might want to link to it too so your followers can have a look :)
hugs June xxx

Patti said...

This was what I tried to comment on yesterday, but after I hit "post comment," it didn't do anything. It acted like it was waiting for the word verification (which I HATE!), but I knew you did't have that. It never posted the comment.

Anyhow, this collage is beautiful. And I agree with you, friendships are wonderful blessings in our lives. I am thankful for the friends God has given me, some online, some face-to-face. Although I've had the opportunity to meet up with a few online friends, some, like you, I haven't. Even so, though, the friendship is sweet.

By the way, are you a Wimbledon gal? My son has been getting up at 4:45 every morning for the past week...that time difference can be a bear sometimes!! (Because with him getting up early, my little puppy wants up early...which means I am up early.)

Have a great day.
