Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 2 September 2014

3M...Autumn Colours....

A lovely challenge this week from the Three Muses...Autumn Colours.
It's almost upon us, with it's beautiful array of colours and the last
 whispered warmth of summer.
So this is what came into my mind this week.
Thank you for your visit.

It's been a very stressful time this last few weeks, with Freddie being virtually blind But he has had an operation on his eye and already can see a wee bit. Early days but we're hopeful. Unfortunately he has lost still more strength in his legs which I find even more of a worry. The consequences don't bear thinking about.........

Love and Hugs
June xxx


johanna said...

wonderful orange... i love These Colors!

[and i have NO idea what the "comments-correction-function" should be good for. it writes ("corrects") my text with upper case letters on foolish places, just by Chance it seems... i always type everything in lower letters, as this goes faster... makes me look like somebody who is not able to write correctly, arrgh!]

Judy said...

Sorry to hear about Freddie, June, must be so distressing for your both, my thoughts are with you.
Love the rich orange shades in your piece, June, we've had a lovely warm Spring day here!

Annmarie said...

YIKES! Hang in there June. Hugs to all of you.

Deann said...

Wonderful layering June a lovely collage.
I'll keep you and Freddie in my prayers best wishes from here.

indybev said...

A absolutely LOVE your interpretation of the challenge, June. It's creative and lovely.
Sorry it's such a hard time for you and Freddie. You're in my thoughts.

peggy gatto said...

A gorgeous piece for a gorgeous season!
Take care!

crafty creations said...

What a stunning piece of work June

Thinking of you both

x Hilda

Taluula said...

Wow, June, this is absolutely gorgeous.

RambleOn aka pam said...

these are powerful colors and imagery...superb

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful colours and image, really beautiful! Valerie

Karla B said...

Sorry about Freddie, my friend. You two are in my prayers. Hope you find solace to go on.Your art is always a patchwork of dreams! Beautiful!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I am just not ready for Fall
I like the cooler weather it brings.

So sorry about Freddie ? your husband ?
I don't like our life challenges