Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 10 September 2011

Sweet Saturday..

A couple of collages for you to look at today.
I fell in love with the little boy saying his prayers. Who could resist him?

I've been out this morning on the scooter to post a little parcel and to get Freddie a paper.
While I was out I thought I'd pop up to see my grandson Richard and the children. 
Becky, his wife, works Saturday mornings so he is looking after the children and doing a bit of housework. (He's a modern man!)
They had the TV on and Richard sat with me for a coffee, switching over to the Rugby. 
I love to see the All Blacks doing their War Dances at the start, so it finished up with me and the children doing a fair imitation, with shrieks of laughter and climbing all over me I felt I was in a scrum!
Exhausting but great fun.

I wish you all a great weekend, with sunshine and butterflies,
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Annmarie said...

Oh June, you are so sweet - no wonder those little ones love, love, love you. I haven't commented for awhile but I visit your blog every day to enjoy whatever you have created. Love all your little stories too. So sunshine & butterflies to you & Freddie too!

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Both collages are full of beauty.
June I cannot thank you enough for your sweet words on my Blog. It is amazing to be part of the same team as you.

Patti said...

Both collages are beautiful, but I especially love the little boy praying.

I love that you live close enough to be able to see your grandson and great-greatchildren often. As one who had 2 great-grandmothers until I was nearly 30, I can attest to the blessing that they were to me, as I'm sure you are to your little ones. Is this the family with the little girl who broke her arm recently? Hope she's completely healed.

Have a great day. Love and hugs to you,

Junibears said...

Yes dear Patti, that's Skyela, now completely well. This is my daughter's line, my son didn't have any children.xx

Bill said...

Both of the collages are indeed beautiful. I love the sparkly grunge look in the first one, and, of course, the little boy in the second.