Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Poser..

If and when he's quiet he'll sit and pose for the camera. Otherwise all I get is his tail end going out of the picture. He loves the garden and at the top you can see him in action! Bit blurry but lucky shot.
My grandson Richard has just been down with a newspaper for Freddie and Algie has enjoyed the play with him in the garden
Richard and family are just back from a little camping holiday and Boyo! were they lucky with the weather! The children are coming tomorrow to  visit.
                                   Wishing you a happy weekend!
                                                            Love and Hugs


"MOI" Freubel said...

Your little Algie reminds me so much at my precious Murphy, June and I wish you so much joy with your little friend !!
What a cute photo's !!

From the Kitchen said...

June: Algie is absolutely delightful. Who could resist that sweet face? Enjoy!


Chris Arlington said...

You seem to be having so much fun with your little furbaby Algie. Bonus ! the shoe is chewed up yet.
Is his name derived from Algenon?

Bill said...

Algie looks so huggable!

Judy said...

He's the sweetest pup, June, I bet you days are full of mischief & fun!

Bärbel said...

Algie ist so ein süßer kleiner Kerl, in diesem Alter lieben Hunde es sehr, an Schuhen zu kauen. Bei uns waren es neue Schuhe meines Mannes, die unser Liebling heimlich stibitzt hatte, als er noch klein war.
Ich wünsche viel, viel Spaß mit Algie!

Nancy said...

Hi June! Your little Algie is absolutely Precious! I imagine he's keeping you very busy!!
Hope you have a beautiful day!!
Nancy xx :D