Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

 String of pearls
The background is one I made and the gorgeous lady found on Google.
She has a twenties look I think.

Flight of Fancy
Another play with a found vintage image.

Oh dear, I really don't know what's happening to our weather. I've had messages from the States saying 'I hope you are coping with this heat!
It's close and muggy I admit but you can look out of the window and think it's November by the colour of the sky.
I am feeling so anxious about Thursday but I'm going ahead with the garden party, come what may!!
Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me!!LOL!
Well I hope the pictures have cheered you a bit!
Love and Hugs
June xxx


cheryl said...

hi Hun yeah know what you mean about the weather Hun,as for the party don't you worry Hun it will be fine,you see,I said so he he,great to chat yesterday Hun,sure made me laugh he he,as for your work Hun its spellbinding,love the vintage images especially the last one oh its gorgeous,hugs Cherylxxxxxx

Bill said...

Have a wonderful garden party no matter what the weather is like! A spot of tea cures everything.

I wanted to stop in just for a minute. My father has gone done hill health-wise so much since my mother died that we are worried if he isn't just going to drop dead soon. We are leaving to go see him in the nursing home in just a minute. I hope you and Freddie are surviving as well as possible.

I love the first picture in pink and grays!

Sarina said...

Lovely collages, again.The top one is a beauty, so elegant.
Have a great day, June,

Jester said...

Two beautiful pieces, and yet such a contrast. I love both styles! Fabulous, June.