Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday, 27 July 2012


The title is quite appropriate today as I've had a major computer crash and everything just flew away!!

Don't ask me.......!       I have been upset and very frustrated.
Anyway I spent all day yesterday trying to get my computer back. With much difficulty I got it back to the day it first came into the house with of course, nothing in it.
So I had to search for cd roms to upload programmes back in etc. I have lost everything I had been working on, several folders and a few kits and lots of pictures.
Fortunately I have an external HD and a lot of my pictures I can retrieve from Flickr etc. but it's quite heartbreaking. I still have a long way to go but I'll get there.

So you might not hear much from me for a while so have a great weekend,
Lots of love and hugs,
June xxxx


Kathyk said...

That's so frustrating, June

We had this happen to us a couple of years ago - thank heavens we back up daily to another PC as well as a remote storage facility - I would be gutted to lose my photographs

Good luck with retrieving all your important bits and pieces


Deborah Verhoeven said...

So sorry to hear about your computer crash. Sadly, I've been there and done that. The worst incident was when my computer and all my backup CDs (as well as most of my belongings and hubby & me) were all soaked in brine for a night.

I do like your picture, though! Good luck on the data retrieval!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, June, sorry to hear about the computer! That really is awful. I guess we all have to go through something like this at least once (I think more than once for me). Good reminder for us all to do a backup. Hope it works out OK for you xx

Sarina said...

Hi June,
It's awfull when a computer chrashes.It's bad for the nerves and the mood too. Grrrrrrr.

Good luck with the work on your pc.



Bill said...

Oh my. Nothing is worse than a computer crash! At least you have some of your stash backed up on an external drive. I keep trying to keep my files backed up, but you just never know. I wish you much success!

Faye said...

This is beautiful, June. I have a very old Mac so I have lots of my stuff on CDs to make room on the computer for doing things. I just recently did that.

Shane Pollard said...

Oh dear Junie
I really feel for you...
We all dread the thought of something like this happening...
I know I should be doing a back-up more often - I'll let this be a lesson to me and buy a new disk tomorrow to do just that.
Sorry my dear, let us know how things go.