Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday, 28 June 2012

It looks like being a hot one again today. It was so humid yesterday, and Richard came to do the garden, cutting hedges etc. He looked so hot, bless him, and the dust from the hedges stuck to his damp skin .
I went up on my scooter to see his new bedroom he had just finished decorating. One wall is full of a mirrored wardrobe that doubles the size of the room. Everything looked beautifully coordinated, down to a black chandalier! The thought of a black one wouldn't have been my idea but it looked very nice. Becky had chosen well!

I called in on Sally on my way back. She had the children after school and they had been to the beach. There they were, running about happy and dirty, all ready for their bath, arguing as to who should be first.

I love old photos and I've found a couple for you to see today. The top one  is me in the garden holding my granddaughter Rebecca. She is now 31!!
The black and white one is me and Colin at a dance, about 1960. Those were the days eh? When I actually had a half decent figure!!LOL!!
                                              Have a good day everyone! love and Hugs
                                                                      June xxxxxxxxx


Kathyk said...

Funnily enough - last evening we were going through a whole load of old photos too! SPOOKY!

Happy Thursday


From the Kitchen said...

How nice to see the pictures of you in the past. Your collage today if lovely.


Anonymous said...

Great photos of you 'back in the day'. What a wonderful smile you have!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Hot here, too. But not humid like what your are experiencing.

Black chandelier? That's something to see!

Stay cool, my friend!