Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 17 June 2012

TAW Challenge..Sewing..

It's Monday morning here dear friends and after a lovely weekend it's back to business. For a start I have a visit to the dentist this mornng.....say no more........LOL!

Here is my collage for the weekly Take a Word Challenge over at Three Muses. The famous Norfolk jacket, still going strong today. Thank you for looking.
                                                               Love and Hugs,
                                                                       June xxx


Sarina said...

Good luck and strength I wish you, when you visit your dentist, brrr.Your collage is lovely.

Unknown said...

What a pleasant fashion show this is, good luck at the dentist's!

Femmy said...


cheryl said...

oh sweetie you always,produce the most fantastic,collages,and this is no exception,will be sending you a parcel soon Hun got it all ready just have to try to get out of the house he he to post it hugs Cherylxxxxxx

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

This is delightful, June! Good luck at the dentist--I feel your pain!:)

"MOI" Freubel said...

Learned again from you June because I never knew these jackets were called Norfolk.
Very nice done !!

Deann said...

I love your fine taylored gentlemen what a great take on sewing June...well done!

indybev said...

I love these dandy little guys! Very nice "take" on the theme, June!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Sewing is something I've done for eons, so this spoke to me. As did the dentist.......a frequent place to spend my time and money lately!

Hope the rest of the day goes well!

Karin said...

fantastic! love the boys!

Taluula said...

They look smart, but oh so uncomfortable. :D Gorgeous, my friend.

Jester said...

Don't they look stylish! A lovely piece, June.

Anonymous said...

Good looking duds!

Sim said...

I didn't know these famous jackets...
Is it a Norfolk speciality? They look very smart indeed!
And your collage is great June!

Kaylene said...

Great choice for the theme, lovely image. Cheers