Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 12 August 2011

Intelligent Animals..

I've made this collage for a challenge on Photobicho, a new group I've found on Flickr. All their challeges are animal related so I had a go. Then the collages are voted on and Blimey! I won the Funniest Animal.
Then apparently the winner chooses a subject for the next weeks challenge. I wasn't quite ready for this but with a little help I chose Intelligent Animals. So my dear little monkey is asking his mate over for a beer and a banana!

Freddie has been to hospital again this morning for a check-up and to have his feet re-dressed.
So far, so good!
Love and Higs
June xxx


Jinksy said...

Bloody mobiles get everywhere... ♥

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my gosh--this is brilliant, June!!! You are so clever, my friend. And I am praying for Freddie and hope that he is improving day by day. I'm so glad that things went well this morning.

Faye said...

Love this, June. It's as funny as can be!

Kim B said...

OH how funny!!!!! Hugs, Kim

Bill said...

Made me smile! :O)

Carolyn said...

And I thought I had trouble with text messages.

Love it, June. Happy Freddie is doing OK.


Chris Arlington said...

Ha ha ha ! so funny June, and congratulations. I must have missed a posting on Freddie. Hope everything goes okay.
Big Hugs xx

Netty said...

LOL great fun June. Wishing you and Freddie all the very best my friend. xx

cheryl said...

oh hun this is just brilliant ha ha loveing it to bits,glad freddie is improving hun love hugs cherylxxxx