Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 26 August 2011

Little Treasures

The other day on her blog Cindy was  prettying things up and she talked about an old key. I told her I had a brass key that my Granddad made.  It is the key to the house where I was born, now long gone.
He probably made it when he and my Nannie first moved into that little house, many years before.

I also had a brass money box he had made out of a WW1 Shell casing, made to hold half crowns, in the days long before decimal. I have used it to hold 50p pieces and now it holds two pound coins. You can't get to your money in a hurry. There is quite a knack to getting the coins out with a knife. I can remember him showing me this as a child....... These are special to me.

I shall show you some pics, there is also a brass tray I fell in love with 30 years ago in an Antiqu shop. It's probably foreign and more than 100 years old. There's also a small icon with a tiny brass plate on the front showing the Virgin Mary. There's quite a story to this as you can see on the picture.

Do you have some tiny treasures that hold special memories for you?


Brenda Brown said...

What fabulous and amazing treasures June - so lovely that you have been able to keep them all this time.
Have a great weekend.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Patti said...

Oh, June, what lovely treasures!! And the memories that go along with them make them even more beautiful.

I had to laugh as you talked about your British coins...I don't have a clue about any of that!! Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, I understand...but not decimals and half crowns. I will be in a very bad way if I ever make a trip to England.

Have a blessed day.


Bill said...

That's fascinating. I've never heard of anyone making their own key. What a talented man! It's a shame the house isn't still standing.

LynnF said...

Wonderful treasures! And how do you make your own key! Never heard of that, I agree with Bill, he must have been awesomely talented! I would have loved to see that house! Thanks for sharing!

LynnF said...

OH, I love your new banner!!!