Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 11 September 2010

Windy Weather

It's always the same in our gardens, isn't it?
After a spell of windy weather with a taste of Autumn, leaves are blown everywhere. It's hard to know just where to start clearing up.
Then suddenly, there'll be a change of direction, a new wind will blow and often we'll find piles of leaves have been whipped up in neat piles....well almost...against a wall in the corner of the garden.

Life can be just like that. Sudden change can spill into our lives and bring a chaos that seems insurmountable.
But often, if we wait, life will settle down, order will return and perhaps things will be even better than they were before.
We should always ''Give wind and tide a chance to change.''

Hope may find it hard to shine
When everything seems dark.
And gloomy prospects may define
Attempts to make their mark.
And yet whatever may befall
In Life's kaleidoscope,
Here's a challenge to us all---
Keep bright the light of hope.

                     John M. Robertson.


Pam Tucker said...

Beautiful collage, June. The little girl looks full of hope! And I love your thoughts... so true.

Patti said...

Hope is the anchor word in my life and why my username is A Hopeful Heart. We must hold fast to hope (which is sometimes a near-impossible task)...if we don't, we will despair!!


Miss Hillbilly said...

I never thought of that before. That was very good and made me think!