Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 12 September 2010


Some of my followers must think I do nothing else but sit and make pictures. I can imagine some thinking 'Where does she get the time to keep making digital pictures? Has she nothing else to do?'
Well it's completely true!  I don't do much else!!LOL!

Yes I go to Chapel twice a week if I can, my dearest son came over the other day and took me out to lunch and yesterday I made a great effort and went to a Coffee Morning here in the village for a very worthy charity. So I am not quite housebound. I plan to go to the church Harvest Supper soon, I'm looking forward to that.

Time.....The word alone conjures up so many thoughts. Past, present and future.... My mind tends to wonder to happenings in the past, after all I have so much more behind me than in front.
I've always had artistic leanings and have done lots of different things. Now I can't cook I think of all the supper and dinner parties I've had, all the birthday and  wedding cakes I made and decorated.
Swimming regularly, long walks, dancing, entertaining, public works for over 30 years for the Royal British Legion, most importantly raising my family and always working, working....

Now I can no longer do any of those things and sometimes I sit here full of self pity.
But then the Lord probably thought I'd done enough running about so he made me slow up. And Boy! Did he slow me up!
So now I've discovered Photoshop I'm making all the pictures I didn't have time to do before and I'm loving it. I've made this blog and I'm so grateful for the wonderful people who visit me, who leave lovely comments because they like what I do and I've made lovely friends.
So.....hope I haven't been too maudlin'......but now you know whyI have Time!

Lots of love and blessings,
June xxx


June said...

Hi June, I never wonder about it, I understand completely and I too although not slowed up quite as much as you. I have been made to stop work and do a lot less due to health problems.I am lucky that i can walk a little (enough to see me by but not enough to be confident ) I spend so many hours at home playing with my psp, doing dezinaworld and a little crafting now and then.Its lovely when we can go and see family etc too though and little walks round the corner with little jojo (he was bought in feb to keep me a little mobile )I am thrilled to have found you and your art and love to see lots of your new pieces. Keep on creating my friend :)

Bill said...

There's no time like the present! Your wonderful work makes people happy, because they can enjoy the beauty. I'm always stuck in front of a computer, too. And I'm not even in a wheelchair! I just like my online artist friends better than most people I actually meet. We all support each other, and I think are a lot more honest and kind to each other. Either that or we're all just nuts!

Pat said...

Not at all maudlin - you show a great appreciation of what you can do.. and that's admirable xx

Faye said...

June, I'm happy that you have time to do Photoshop. Your pictures really bless us who eagerly look to see what else you have cooked up. And personally, I'm selfish enough and insecure enough that I need those helpful and encouraging comments you faithfully spread around. I have a blog friend who always closes her emails to me with: Thanks for being. And so that's my note to you, too: thanks for being.

Kim B said...

Well you certainly share your talent and friendship with alot people and that certainly counts for alot. I am glad that you started doing photo shop because I really enjoy all your creations. Hope that you have a good day.

Brenda Brown said...

June you are a treasure, you create and give it to us to ponder and marvel over. You are you and your works of art are part of that. I love looking at what you show and am so pleased you have photoshop, as you know I am only just learning really. You still have so much more to share with us and as I now work less I have more time to come and look around.
Take care. Luv B xxx

Patti said...

I love your creations. They are a bright spot in my day...and they always bring a smile to my face. I especially LOVE those brightly-colored stiped socks.

NONE of us should ever judge someone else. We are all in different seasons of life, with different needs and situations. So, not a single one of us can think to know what someone else should be doing (or shouldn't be doing, as in making pictures on the computer.) We all need to concern ourselves with our OWN lives, realizing that we are responsible for our OWN self, not someone else. And someone else might be in a place where they can afford more time on the computer...and that is OKAY!!!

I am in a new season of life now. After homeschooling since 1999, my second child graduated this summer, so I have a bit more time available than I've had in the past.

Have a lovely day, my dear.
