Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 14 September 2010


The weather is rather dreadful this morning, it's been raining hard, a dull day and cooler. Autumn is in the wind.
A visitting clergyman faced a morning like this, with rain beating against the church windows, and the congregation looking very subdued.

He started by saying......
You know, I like to start services with these words.....
'Let us thank God this morning for.......' and then add whatever blessing is appropriate at that time.
However, on a morning like this I have to say 'Let us thank the Lord every morning is not as bad as this!'

Everyone laughed and a cheerful, enjoyable service followed.
There is always something to thank God for if we just take a few moments to think about it.

God didn't promise days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.
But he did promise you
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
And light for the way.

Remember....He sends you flowers every Spring, and light every morning......


Faye said...

Love it, June. If only we'd remember this more often.

Bill said...

I'm thankful for my bed he sends every night. Well, he sends me to the bed, but it is a welcome end to the day.