Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 12 September 2010

Too many Hats...

Captain B has cheekily put me on his blog again, so this time I pinched his picture and used the background to make another one.
I wonder how many hats he has in total? Good question.
His blog is called WJC's Digital World.

(Bill if you see this can you send me your URL so I can send friends over to see your work?)
Hope that baby is doing fine!


June said...

Looks like a lot of fun June :) Love it !!
Hugs June xxx

Bill said...

Oh my. I look like a Yankee Doodle Dandy! I can see now this is going to be a long running tale. :O) I need to be working on Queen Junie's pastel outfit. By the way, I've never looked very good in hats. I've been told my head is too large. I wonder what that person was really trying to say!

Here's my link: http://wjcsdigitalworld.blogspot.com/

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh too fun, June!!! And I also love your comments about "Time." And when I read it, I thought, "Thank goodness for Photoshop" and for you to be able to share your amazing talent with all of us. That is a blessing not only for you but for all of us touched by your amazing art.

Betty said...

Oh June this is fab it made me giggle, looks like you had fun.
Hugs Betty x x

Judy said...

Fun piece, June, looks like it's 'payback' time for WJC!

Kim B said...

what a funny photo collage :) You make me smile.

Patti said...

I LOVE those socks!! Oh, and those hat boxes...I would love to have REAL ones like that. They would be fabulous to decorate with.


Nancy said...

June, those shoes and socks are Fabulous! These pictures are such Fun, I love them!!!
xoxo Nancy