Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 5 September 2010

Alphonse Mucha

Alfons Maria Mucha was born in Ivanice, a small provincial town in the Czech Republic.
Alfons Mucha had a vocational training in stage decorations in Vienna from 1879 to 1881. In the evening he attended a class in drawing. After a few occasional commissions for decorative paintings, he went to Munich in Southern Bavaria. Here he studied at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts from 1885 until 1887.
After Munich, Mucha moved to the "mecca" of arts, Paris. Here he studied with different teachers. He lived in modest conditions and could survive with small commissions for book and newspaper illustrations. For a short period he shared a studio with Paul Gauguin.

He later found fame with his beautiful posters and had people like Sarah Bernhardt posing for him.
He became world renowned for his beautiful Art Nouveau style with luscious females with long flowing hair, advertising everything from cigarettes to bicycles! To me he is the ultimate of Art Nouveau.

Today I have posted three collages I've made using illustrations by Alphonse Mucha. I think he is my very favourite artist. The lady reading the book above I have on the wall of my sitting room painted on a porcelain plate and a while ago I showed you the Mucha image painted on tile in my kitchen.
I have painted several of his beautiful ladies on plates and they still look beautiful.

The two below are a little more complicated with many layers making up the collages.
I was quite happy with the way these turned out and I tried to make them a sort of
matched set. I hope you like them too.

Sending love and hugs,

June xx


Pat said...

They're lovely, June !
I've always liked Mucha's art.. such elegance :)

Danièle SAINT-MARTIN said...

Beautiful and thank you for the comment.

cheryl said...

oh these are really beautiful hun,hugs cheryl xxx

Miss Hillbilly said...

Thank you for adding the history! These are beautiful!

LynnF said...

They are absolutely gorgeous, June!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful June and how lovely to read all about the painter too
hugs June xxx