Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 13 February 2012

Love in the Rain..

Well we had a little in the night and it has washed most of the snow away. It's milder today so that's a blessing too. I have just got this kit by Manue so I thought I'd have a play. I was fascinated with the raindrops!
It also reminded me of a lovely boy friend I had 100 years ago who used to walk or cycle from the next village to see me, rain or shine. I used to don my mackintosh and go to meet him and we'd find a wall and a hedge to shelter under.
At that time there was a song came out..

Why do I come out in the pouring rain?
Walking for miles to see you once again,
Thunder and lightning a coming and a going,
Why do I keep right on....?
'Cos I love ya that'sa why...etc.

I wonder if any of you can remember it?


Ana Cristina Caldatto said...

puro romantismo!!!

Bill said...

The raindrops add a lot to your theme and make a beautiful collage! I don't know that song, but I do know rain can be very romantic. Well, at least when you're young. :)

Cousin Freddie said...

Yes! I remember it - we really ARE getting Old Darling Girl!!

Cos I love ya
That'sa why I'd lay right down and die
That'sa why, That'sa Why That'sa why.......

They don't write 'em like that any more! Did I know this old Beau? Why was I not given this information?? lol xx

Maki said...

This is a beautiful post, the theme
so well thought out!
I'm similar to you about art, I really like to view what's pretty and encouraging. Don't change your style, it's beautiful!!!

Best Wishes to you and yours,Maki
Maki's Little Red House

Cinders said...


My Mother in Law used to sing this to all the Grandchildren while they were growing up ( with a Geordie Accent ) x x Love it x x x