Beautiful blue sky here at present and the temperature is hovering around the freezing mark. The snow is still hanging about on the grass. Fortunately I can stay here in the warm.
The Nurse has just been to redress Freddie's feet and she said she had to drive very carefully.
Hope we don't get any more snow.
I hope you are all well and warm too.
Love and Hugs
June xxx
June, this is beautiful. I love the composition and the colors!!
This is absolutely magical!!! I love it! Stay warm!
Nancy xx :D
I adore this.. She is stunning, your work is beautiful
As usual.
Thank you for sharing!
This is definitely beautiful! The golden wings and gold in her dress make the golden spires stand out. Fantastic mask in the corner, too.
June, all your Art work is very beautiful!
Your wedding picture is so sweet. Your dress is lovely, you are a Lady with many skills!
I'm pleased that the nurse could make it through the snow to tend Freddie's feet. I'm Sure it was a great relief to you.
You two stay warm and take care, Hugs, Maki
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