Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 7 March 2011

Monday Morning..

And this is what I found in my Mailbox. Dear blogland friend William has sent me this creation as my outfit to wear for the Royal Wedding. You all know I have my invitation all ready...

Dear Bill, thank you. Don't you think the dress is just a wee bit outdated? And I think that crown will make my headache by the time we get to the festivities and I really intend to party on and let my hair down. Mind you that will be a bit difficult as I don't have much to let down!

I do hope you show us what you will be wearing! Hugs
                                                     June xx


Kathyk said...

I'm sure you will be the belle of the ball though!


Deann said...

Junie I think you will rock the world and outshine Kate in that outfit...Bill is an amazing mad man you gotta love him!!

Patti said...

What a fabulous designer Bill is!!! A bit outdated, yet, but you will be lovely as you take in the festivities.

Hope you're having a great day.


Diane said...

June, you will steal the show!! Kudos to your fashion designer!



Bill said...

Oh no! You mean you're more the jet setter type?

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....you two are nuts!


Christine said...

What matters a little headache since you are the most chic at the party? Since the beginning of the history we women do crazy things to be pretty ;)

Katie said...

This is fantastic! What a great gift to recieve. Go rock that wedding June!

deb said...

It wouldn't do to outshine the Queen! That hat might be "off with your head" removable!