Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 8 March 2011

After Bill sent the picture of my outfit for the Royal wedding I got to thinking, I fancied something more along these lines, so I did a quick cut and paste job to see what it looked like.

Actually I have a hat just like that only in pale blue I wore to my grandson's wedding. I wore an Ann Balon Italian lace dress and jacket.

This model, though I didn't look quite as elegant. LOL!


Femmy said...

stunning outfit!! Love the hat!

Pat said...

That's the outfit June! Will be looking out for you on the telly ;) xx

Patti said...

Whatever you wear, you will be beautiful!!!


Miss Hillbilly said...

Oh, that is perfect! You are very very elegant!!

Anonymous said...

I like you in peach, June. Very feminine.
But the dress you wore to the wedding would work for the Royal Wedding, too. Blue is royal, isn't it?
Either way, you look fabulous!

Netty said...

Wow thats a terrific mock up of the outfit, but I would lose the orange vest June even if it is cold that day......lol I remember seeing you in your gorgeous blue outfit am sure, so romantic. Annette x

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Oh, you're looking fantastic.

deb said...

Gorgeous! You really MUST have an invitation!

Brenda Brown said...

Wow that has worked a treat June - looks like you're gonna have to go and buy it now.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Chris Arlington said...

Ooh! you look elegant and sassy. I think you should go to the affair. xo

Judy said...

I think you will outdo the rest of the wedding party with your gorgeous outfit, June, the apricot colour suits you to a 'T!" We have just heard that prince William is to attend the Christchurch memorial service for the earthquake victims here in New Zealand next week. No mention of the bride to be coming too!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What a great idea. And the two girls in white look lovely also.. The wedding, its going to be magic!! Blessings Crystal xx

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, June---Oooh-la-la!!!

Diane said...

June, that peachy orange is your color!! Love the embroidered jacket! And what will Freddie be wearing? I assume a "morning suit" with striped trousers and a topper??



Christine said...

Oh, I really like this outfit and it's a nice color for the season.

Bill said...

All right. You can wear that outfit for the wedding. Being an English Lady and all, it's only proper. Plus, I understand you're the only one officially invited to the royal wedding. But for the ball we're having afterward for those of us scalawags who were not invited into the royal ballroom, you will have to switch over to your "Marie" style outfit. We are partying with lots of cakes and silliness on my blog. We will only be drinking the $6.00 a bottle champagne unless you can pilfer a bottle or two of the good stuff while the royal staff isn't looking and bring it to our party. Rob, my online Irish dancing friend, will be all decked out in Irish green, and Lady Marguerite should be quite a sight to see. My outfit should be quite a surprise!

Ozstuff said...

Oh, you look evah so posh, June. Have you received your invitation yet? I heard the butcher who has provided meat to the bride's family for 30 years on local radio here in Perth last week. He and his wife and other people in the village have been invited to the wedding.