Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 12 March 2011

Little Petal..

Just a card for a friend.

Last night my granddaughter Rebecca took me to Norwich to see Freddie.
He is still connected up to this intravenous drip and is getting so fed up just sitting there.
He asked me to bring him a sausage roll in as he fancied one.
No sooner asked than done and it was a pleasure watching him enjoy it.

I managed to speak to his doctor and at last they have a date for his operation.
March 24th. but she said they wanted to bring it forward if possible.
So he should soon be on the move to Cambridge.

Rebecca and I hadn't eaten so we called in to a MacDonalds and enjoyed our meal with a milkshake.
She is such a good girl, this afternoon she's coming to cut our grass.


Patti said...

Oh, June, I'm so glad you got a chance to visit with Freddie yesterday. I'm sure he was as glad to see you as you were to see him. And what a thrill it must have been to see him have an appetite and enjoy a little treat.

I will be keeping him in my prayers. Hope he's back home with you very soon.

Have a great day, my sweet friend.


Netty said...

So glad Freddie is eating and enjoying his food, that is such a good sign June.
Beautiful card, your friend will love it. Annette x

Bill said...

Hopefully they can move Freddie's operation sooner, and then it will be over and both of you can get some rest. He must be feeling better if he's ordering food! :O)