Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Different styles..

Well Valentine's Day is over, it's been and gone. Farewell to the hearts and flowers and mush. Time to put up a new Blog Header and look forward to Spring. Hope you like it.

Today I'm putting up two completely different styles of work. I like them both. I don't seem to have a particular style, I like to try all sorts of things but I think my favourite is Vintage. The quote in the one above has a particular resonance for me.Not so much now but then.........


cheryl said...

didto with the sentiment hun just love the first one,those faces,are just so alive but must say the second one is my fav as that is just lush,just love how she stands,in front of the,music,hugs cheryl xx

deb said...

not good at accepting! still working on that! love the new banner very clever but i am not ready to let go of mush! i seem to be made of mush lately! hugs! i like the 2nd one best!

Christine said...

Dear June, I love your new banner. It's modern and funny. Your pieces are always great and What can I say about your granddaughter birthday book? It's adorable!

Faye said...

Beautiful pieces, June. And your blog header is charming and lively. Thanks for all the PSE tips.

Brenda Brown said...

Great banner June, lively and fun. I have to agree I love the vintage too, the mix of elements that give the eyes plenty to look for and the depth and perspectives that you achieve.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Chris Arlington said...

Love your new blog banner June, also like your differents styles.

Netty said...

Loving your new banner June and your works of art. Everything you design is truly fabulous. Annette x

Bill said...

Both styles are beautiful!