Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 25 April 2011

More memories..

At last a nurse came this morning to dress Freddie's feet and look at his leg wound. Not before I had been on the phone to remind them. His leg is very painful and it is not surprising when you see it. He has an infection there and is on a massive dose of anti biotics. Being diabetic of course it takes much longer to heal.
In between doing chores, hanging out washing, etcetera, I've been looking at all the beautiful collages for the Three Muses TAW challenge. Memories. And my mind has been working overtime today. After the nurse came, my mind took me back to the mid 60's when I was a Home Help. As well as caring for clients, we had to clean their house up too. Much different today, where they only get half an hour to prepare a lunch. No cleaning the house!

One of my early jobs, they had those old piece mats on the floor. Everyone had them years ago and they never wore out. These were never shaken out either. So I took them up to sweep the floor. No vacuums then. You should have seen the muck and dust that came out of them. Well perhaps not 'cos when I got home I had to stand in the bath to remove all my clothes as the fleas were jumping off me!!

I went to a dear old man and stayed with him as a client a long, long time. He swore like a trooper and when he discovered he knew my Granddad, well he was putty in my hands! The doctor called once and asked if he always swore like that when he spoke to me. Oh no problem, I replied. I just swear right back!
That was the first time I'd ever been offered a cup of tea in a pudding basin!   Memories.....

I remember how much it saddened me to visit old people who had sons or daughters maybe living almost in the next street but they never came to visit. I've never forgotten that....

I've rambled enough, I must go and get Freddie something to eat or he'll give me the sack!

Love and Hugs
June xx


Chris Arlington said...

Happy Easter June and Freddie. MY goodness you have had an interesting life. So much talent too.
It is true about the elderly being neglected. That is why all the cards I make go to my Mom's old nursing home. They don't get out and rarely have visitors. That could be me one day. My Mom always taught me to treat people how I expect to be treated. Not having any children or many relatives who knows. Maybe I will just stay blogging till I drop. LOL Big Hugs, Chris

Patti said...

What a sweet post, June. It's lovely reliving memories from other times in our lives.

Sadly, I don't think our society is nearly what it once was...maybe that's why we all enjoy our memories so much.

I agree about the elderly and how neglected they are. I think nursing homes are the saddest places on the planet.

When I was growing up, my great-grandmother lived with my grandmother. Actually, she lived there only part-time, as she split her time between both her daughters. But from the time her husband died in the mid 50's, until the time she passed in the late 80's, she lived in the homes of her daughters. I grew up thinking that was totally normal. Sadly, it's not anymore.

Love and hugs to you,

Folk Heart said...

My dear, sweet friend, what a beautiful and interesting life you have lived. Your heart is as big as the moon, and my life has been enriched by meeting you. This is by far the best "memory" post, and you can't imagine the images that floated through my head while reading it. Now THAT's a gift to be able to convey so many visions. Bless you!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, what a story, June! And wasn't it lucky that the man knew your father? I sure agree with you about people who have kids so close yet don't bother to visit...That is unbelievable.

I also hope that Freddie's leg will heal, and yes, with diabetes that is really sensitive and has to be watched against infection....Oh, I hope he heals soon.
