Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 14 April 2011

Look what's turned up!..

This has turned up on my granddaughter's Facebook page so I just had to
show you, to prove I really did have a slow 'sway' with my dear son holding me up!
 You can also see more of the dress and the shoes!
I went to see Freddie yesterday afternoon and he has a lovely room on the ground floor with a big window and lawn and trees and shrubs outside. A large TV on the wall opposite his bed and they are very pleased with him. He has lots of exercises to do. They even took him in a wheelchair to the dining room yesterday so it feels he's getting back to normality.
I am visitting him again this morning and meeting up there with his niece Jenny and her husband Keith.
He looks so very much better and they think there's no reason why he shouldn't come home soon.....
I'm crossing my fingers!
June xx


K J D said...

What a pretty dress.... such a lovely colour.

Great news about Freddie.

Have a lovely weekend


Pat said...

Beautiful photo - and crossing fingers here too xx

pchickki said...

Great news about Freddie June!
You look so beautiful in this picture, now wonder your granddaughter posted you on FaceBook

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

Hi, June! You look beautiful! I love your dress- it's like a piece of art in itself. Glad Freddie is closer to home, and doing well. Wonderful news.
xx Sherry

Faye said...

Gorgeous, June! I also love that dress and the pointy toe shoes!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Faye....you look spectacular!
Glad Freddie is comfy and feeling perkier!


Bill said...

What a wonderful picture to see! I could always tell you still had it in you!!!

Ozstuff said...

Look at you! June, you are the coolest great-grandma I have ever seen. Remember the days when once a woman turned 40 she felt she had to dress old. You are so stylish with your gorgeous turquoise dress and flowing wrap with the different hem lengths. These are all the rage - even with very young teenagers like my granddaughter.