Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Saturday 18 December 2010

Past Glories..

I've found a few of these fabulous Russian princess type pictures lately and I love them, with their beautiful high headdresses, rich sleeves and loads of pearls. You tend to forget revolutions and real history and think of fairytale princesses, living in huge domed palaces with marbled floors and servants scurrying  to their every whim. Thoughts of Past Glories through the whispers of time.
But I wonder what they did with themselves all day?


Anonymous said...

No doubt they didn't do much. With hand maidens to wait on them and all the leisure time they could stand, I dare say that they spent most of their time considering what frock to wear for dinner. Or what headdress they will choose. Ah, the simple life!
Great photos June. They are so stunning!

Deann said...

Gorgeous...gorgeous...gorgeous Junie. Don't you just love Russian architecture I think St Basil's Cathedral is to die for...anyway back to your fabulous art...everything from here to Sunday is extraordinary LOVE IT!!!

Bill said...

I've never seen pictures of Russian princesses before. They are indeed beautiful.