Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 5 December 2010

Around the world..

Just experimenting with layers and more layers..
Lost count of the number.....!

Since I started trying to sort out my family's Christmas gifts
and writing cards etc. I am surrounded with more muddle than usual.
I look at beautiful photographs of other peoples 'studios' or work
spaces and compare them to mine, always unfavourably.
This little 10 feet by 10 feet room is totally mine.
Full of books, papers, boxes etc. etc. it used to be a tiny
dining room. Now I only have the smallest space on my PC work
table to work on plus a very small folding table.
My family make fun of it and call it the junk room but the junk is
all mine and it is my escape, my sanctuary, my own space.

Yesterday my darling granddaughter rang to say she was coming to
decorate my kitchen, just like that. So the muddle is overspilling rather.
At least it's only temporary and she will be finished today.
She has done the ceiling, the gloss paint and is now putting
another coat on the walls. It is lovely and clean and fresh.

She came armed with all the tools, paint and dust sheets and she
has done a marvellous job.
How's that for sevice?

happy Sunday to you all.
June xx


cheryl said...

oh hun so glad your,grandaughter,came to do your kitchen bless her its great when its all lovely and fresh and you deserve it too,hun as for your work wow its just amazing love the colors on this too hugs cheryl xxx

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love that you are a dreamer and artist in spite of being confined to wheelchair. What great inspiration

From the Kitchen said...

I love this Juni. The whole composition is wonderful. The young woman looks to be yearning for travel or, perhaps, a lover who is traveling. The colors and layering are just perfect.

What a lovely treat from your granddaughter!


Miss Hillbilly said...

With all that is going on in your life...you need that little 10 x 10 space!!

And that was very sweet of your granddaughter!

Yvonne said...

What a fantastic affect you have achieved, June!

Netty said...

Wow what a terrific grand-daughter June. I love your picture its fab, so mystical. Annette x

Bill said...

As I looked at this beautiful picture, it popped into my head that it would be so fun if all of us digital friends could travel and see the world together. Think of the glorious collages we would all make!

Lovey said...

June no one does Digital like you....

Junibears said...

Thank you for your wonderful comments.
Dear Lovey is going through a hard time at the present moment. Please include her in your prayers.
June xx

Sadie said...

This is again such a wonderful, grand picture. I could go on using more words to expres how much I love it, but then it would be spam.


ps. want me to come over and cook spaghetti with nice red fresh sauce for you in your newly painted kitchen?? *innocent face goes here*


Chris Arlington said...

Well, aside from your beautiful posts, I think you are very lucky to have such a wonderful granddaughter. These days so many people are caught up in me-ism. Such a lovely way to start the season. You are absolutely right about your art studio...it is YOUR SPACE!!! good for you.
Hugs, Chris xo

Danièle SAINT-MARTIN said...

Beautiful image!