Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 21 August 2012

One for Sorrow...

I made this collage over the weekend.  It's very appropriate this afternoon
as my dear cousins Freddie and Martin had to have their darling Lukey
put to sleep this morning.
I know just how awful they are feeling as it brought back my recent
memory of losing my own beloved Corey.

Sending you dear boys much love and strength
from us all here. xxxxxxxxxxx


Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

An amazing atmospheric picture, I love it very much.
Hugs Anja

From the Kitchen said...

We've lost two of our precious dalmatians and I certainly can sympathize! A love and appropriate collage!


Sarina said...

It is always heartbreaking, to lose a much loved pet.A beautiful collage you made, June,


Sophie said...

Eine wunderschöne Karte.

Liebe Grüße

Electra said...

That is so hard. Sending good thoughts their way. A wonderful tribute piece, June.

pchickki said...

Always sad. I don't even like to think about losing my Sampson and Petey. It makes me cry just to think about it so I don't.
My deepest sympathy to your friend and this is a beautiful collage June :)

Cousin Freddie said...

Thank You Junie, for all your support, and the lovely messages here. We're still stunned, but we will get there..... All Love xx

Bill said...

Please tell cousin Freddie and Martin I feel their loss, just as when your little puppy had to pass on. Animals bring such joy into our lives. It's especially difficult when it's a dog, because they are such faithful and wonderful companions.

Bärbel said...

Was für eine wunderschöne und stimmungsvolle Collage, June. Man merkt ihr an, dass Ihre Gedanken bei Ihren Cousins und deren Leid weilen.
Es ist schwer sich von vierbeinigen Freunden trennen zu müssen; ich musste zwei Hunde einschläfern lassen.

Linda said...

Hi June,

pass on my sympathy! The collage says it all! What a beautiful dog child Lukey was!
XO Linda