Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 3 August 2012

A Challenge..

There are weekly Challenges on Digitalmania, a Flickr site I belong to, an offshoot of the Three Muses! They pick an artist and you make a collage in the style of that particular artist. This stretches you quite a bit as often they are not a bit like the style you are used to.
You can see by these two collages, not my style really but I'm always willing to be stretched a bit and to have a go!
The artist this week was Julie Nutting and if you are interested you can see her style on Google Images.
Thank you for visiting. The weekend is coming up again. They seem to fly.
                                               Have a lovely weekend,
                                                                  Love and Hugs
                                                                         June xxx


bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

Your ladies are adorable and so fashionable, June! Hope your weekend goes well

Jeanette said...

Both of these are so much fun. You are so right about Digitalmania making us stretch.

Lovey said...

Oh June I absolutely love these ladies!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a brilliant job, June! Have a good weekend! xx

Netty said...

Loving both these wonderful collages June, x

Bill said...

These are certainly neat looking! I'm going to have to look up the artist, because I haven't heard of her before. It's been quite a while since I'm joined in those Flickr challenges.

irinasztukowski said...

Oh Dear June your creativity amazes me each time I look at your art. What a great colour combination!!
These lovely dresses inpired me for a new Collection that I might create: The Girls Dress Room art gallery :0)
Thanks so much for the inspiration!Lately there are so many great ideas come to my head. And thanks to you, this one I am devoting to your art!

Jester said...

I love these, particularly the lower one, June. They have such character. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone and creating two wonderful piece!