Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 17 May 2012

It's Thursday again...

Well it's now a week since I lost Corey and I'm 'bearing up' as the saying goes. Everyone has been very kind, I've received lots of cards, many messages and even phone calls. My dear friend Cheryl rang this morning to see how I am. It''s been a tough week but we're getting there. Thank you all!

I went to Chapel this morning after missing last week and I did my usual chauffering. We had to go a long way round as they are doing something in the street and the road is blocked.
Yesterday my darling little Skyela was three and the family all came to see me with the Sunshine Girl. She's having a big party on Saturday with about 20 children and their Mums and they're having a Face painter. I gasped when I heard her fee, I only recently threw out my face paints and I would gladly have done it free!!
Anyway I think I'll give the party a miss this year, it will be too noisy for me, I am only just getting used to how quiet the house is.........

Hope you like the little picture I've posted. Stay well everyone and Love and Hugs from me to you.
                                                                          June xxxx


Unknown said...

It's good to have some distraction right now June, happy birthday to little Skyela. Love your new collage, such pretty images. Hugs, Ira x

Anonymous said...

What a sweet piece of art! I don't blame you for skipping Skeyla's party. Glad you got to chapel.

Netty said...

Loving your new collage June. Sending you hugs, xx

Electra said...

I'm so sorry for your loss June. It's so painful. I'm glad you are able to have a bit of a distraction for a little while.

cheryl said...

oh June Hun it was great to talk to you this morning sweetie,and you know I am always here Hunny any-time,I just love what you have created here Hun,its just brilliant you are so clever Hun,oh pick,my puppy up tomorrow,hugs Cherylxxxxx

From the Kitchen said...

Happy birthday to your sweet girl. I don't think we ever completely get over the loss of a dear pet. I'm sure you have very nice memories.
