Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 12 July 2011

A Goddess..

Every Woman has a Goddess within......
This I truly believe. Apologies to our male friends!
But I'm a woman and think as one!
All these images were Googled.

Whooo-hooooo! My Followers are back!
Thank you Blogger!

Yesterday we were invaded! I am mostly barefoot about the house and garden and I opened the back door to step into the porch to go out in the garden. I drew back. I didn't want to put my bare feet there.
There were thousands, even millions of ants and flying ants crawling on the rugs. I couldn't believe it.
We hurriedly sprayed them and I shut the door quickly. Later I had to drag my vacuum out and try to hoover then all up. A big job and especially for me.
I was exhausted and spent the rest of the evening scratching myself and itching all over....Ugghhh! Horrible things. I hope I don't get a repeat of that today.

My visit to the dentist went well. He fitted my new crown and I don't have to go again for 6 months.


Bill said...

This one is gorgeous! Very rich indeed!

Patti said...

Okay, my last comment went through, so I'll be commenting on several posts right now.

That would be SO horrifying to be invaded by so many ants. I hope you solved the problem and that they don't come back. I have never had a super-serious problem with any bug. However, in my book, even ONE bug is too many. I'm thankful to have never been inundated by thousands.

Yay, on the dentist. That's a nice place to not have to go to.
