Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Monday 25 July 2011

Collage Obsession..Honeysuckle

Collage Obsession gave us this pink colour called Honeysuckle
to use in our collage.
It was such a strong colour I only used a torn scrap at the side.
Everything came from Idgie's Nostalgic Whimsy.
Thank you for looking.xx


Jinksy said...

Not quite my honeysuckle colour... ♥

Deann said...

I love the brilliant little peek of it on the edge...great job my dear!!!

Unknown said...

I really like how it is ever so slightly introduced, very pretty....

*itKuPiLLi* said...

It´s easy to use colors we like, but it takes a little bit more imitativeness to use color we don´t like, and you succeeded with that. Very lovely collage. :)

Thank you for participating. :)

Bill said...

Beautiful collage! I'm going to have to go investigate that pink.

Brenda Brown said...

Fab pink and great collage.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Shane Pollard said...

It's all in sync and the strong pink is tucked out of focus - very clever of you Junie!
It's not my fave shade either!

Have a happy week.

Kim B said...

Very clever use of the color. Have a happy day, Hugs, Kim

Lovey said...

Awesome June! You rock!

cheryl said...

oh hun this is brilliant,hun you are clever love love your work hugs cherylxx

Dian said...

Intriguing ... it makes me want to lift up the images and see what's on the hot pink sheet beneath it all!